This research project was aimed to study the strategies for generating and sustaining interest in mathematics education at secondary school level. One hundred and eighty questionnaire which contain fifteen items of four options {strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, disagree} were administered to thirty-one (31) students of age twelve, but sixty-nine of the respondent were of age thirteen (13) while fifty-three respondents were of age fourteen (14) and twenty-seven respondents were of age fifteen years. Three research hypotheses were formulated for the study and the result of the findings shows ways in which strategies for generating and sustaining interest in mathematics education in secondary school level. This study recommends that teachers should make use of teaching resources in the teaching and learning of mathematics to motivate the student. Parent should also get necessary learning materials for their children so as to facilitate their interest in mathematics and Government and stakeholders in the field of education should make necessary teaching resources for teaching mathematics available.




Title Page                                                                         i

Certification                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           vi

Table of content                                                               vii




1.0   Background of the Study                                         1

1.1   Purpose of the Study                                                       3

1.2   Statement of the Problem                                        4

1.3   Research Questions                                                 5

1.4   Research Hypotheses                                               5

1.5   Significance of the Study                                         6

1.6   Scope of the Study                                                   6

1.7   Delimitation of the Study                                                 7

1.8   Definition of Terms                                                  8




2.0   Introduction                                                     9

2.1.  Factors Leading to Poor

Interest in Mathematics                                   9

2.2   Motivation as Interest Generator                      20

2.3   Instructional Material Aids Interest of

Student in Mathematics.                                         25

2.4   Relevant Set Induction Techniques                 27




3.0   Introduction                                                     29

3.1   Research Design                                              30

3.2   Population of the Study                                   30

3.3   Samples and Sampling Procedure                   30

3.4   Instrumentation for Data Collection                31

3.5   Validation of Instrument                                  31

3.6   Method of Data Collection                               32

3.7   Method of Data Analysis                                  32



4.0   Introduction                                                     33

  • Demographic Data of the Respondents 33

4.2   Testing of Hypothesis                                       36




  • Summary 41
  • Conclusion 42
  • Recommendation 43

References                                                                  47

Appendix A                                                      49

Appendix B                                                      53




  • Background of the Study

Mathematics is one of the most important subjects in Nigerian Secondary Schools. Thus, it is made compulsory for all students to study at the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) Level. This is because Nigeria as a Nation depends upon Mathematics as one of the most important subjects that could help the nation meet her objectives for Science and Technology Advancement (Jegede, 2005).

Kline (1964) had posted that the important of Mathematics to modern culture of Science and Technology has been well recognized and accepted world-wide. According to Ukeje (1997), the increasing importance and attention given to Mathematics, stem from the fact that without Mathematics, there is no science, without science there is no modern technology, and without modern technology there is no modern society. In other word, Mathematics is the precursor and the Queen of Science and Technology and indispensable single element in modern societal development. But students are not very often aware of the various application of Mathematics in various field of study. Hence, they think Mathematics is isolated from their everyday activities and problems. But Mathematics is a science, technology, commerce, politics, arts, economics, social science and humanities in general. Both students and Mathematics Teacher should recall at any point in time during Mathematics Lesson and beyond that, when students leaves schools, they are likely to take up careers which require basic numeracy and/or specialized techniques in Mathematics.

Many people think mathematics is a difficult subject to study; some of them fear it and others hate it. It is a fact that students have a very low interest in Mathematics, while some student hate or dislike Mathematics in all Secondary Schools in Nigeria and the world at large (Fatola, 2005). Those who attend the Mathematics on their own, neither do they solve Mathematics problem on their own. However, there are few students who like it and even create fun in it. The important aspect of it, is that, it is accepted as a very useful subject because, it is utilitarian native especially in science and technology.

Involving the students in relevant Mathematics activities in and outside the class can go a way in maintain their interest in Mathematics fun for learners. The absence of students’ participation in a lesson make such a lesson boring and un-exciting. A mathematics teacher should not put fear in the student. According to Stephen (2000) describe Mathematics anxiety as an academic diseases whose virus has not yet been diagnosed for an effective treatment on the faces of the learners in Mathematics class. And a mathematics teacher who teaches mathematics as if he is telling a story is sure to curse this student loose of interest in mathematics.

The selection of the topic for inclusion in such away that effort were made to expand some factors which tends to dampen interest of student in mathematics. The focus will be on examining ways in which interest can be generated and sustained. Thus some strategies which mathematics teacher can adopt to generate and sustain student interest in Mathematics and discussed.

1.1   Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to focus on the strategies for generating and sustaining interest in Mathematics education at secondary school level. It also addressed how teacher can adopt the way to generate and sustain student interest in mathematics.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

This is to examine the problem faced in the strategies for generating and sustaining interest in mathematics education at secondary school level such as the fear students, exhibit for the subject, the teacher communication skills and the students’ background on the subject.


1.3   Research Questions

  1. Will instructural materials be of great interest booster for mathematics students?
  2. How can both the parents and teachers facilitate student’s interest for mathematics
  • In what way can the school help in fostering interest in Mathematics students?

1.4   Research Hypotheses 

  1. There is no significant impact of instructional material to aid interest in Mathematics.
  2. There is no significant difference between the impact of parent and teachers toward the student interest in Mathematics

iii.    There is no significant impact of the school toward student’s interest in Mathematics Education.


1.5   Significance of the Study

The study is significance because it will provide useful suggestion that will enable the teachers and parent in providing the needed materials that will boost the interest of the learner toward mathematics in Senior Secondary School. The study will also assists the students to sustain their interest in Mathematics and provide useful suggestion to the teachers on how to help the students sustain their interest in Mathematics.

1.6   Scope of the Study

The study covers the factors involved in generating and sustaining interest of student in mathematics education at secondary school level.



1.7   Delimitation of the Study

It is limited to just the strategies for generating and sustaining interest in Mathematics education in the following secondary schools in AGBADO-OKE ODO-L.C.D.A Local Government Development Area. Thus, the study will cover the following schools:

  1. Nightingale Academy
  2. Lizben Secondary Schools.
  • Surulere Community Senior Secondary Schools.
  1. Tomia Secondary School
  2. Eko Immaculate International Schools
  3. Golden Triangle College


1.8   Definition of Terms

  1. Interest: Interest is the feeling of intentness concern or curiosity about an object. It is also regarded as the condition of wanting to know or learn         about some object.
  2. Attitudes: Attitudes is the way an individual feels, thinks, and is predisposed to act towards some aspect of his environment.
  3. Motivation: Motivation is the arousal of tendency to act to produce one or more effect. A motive forces which proper or drives a student in a given direction.
  4. Set Induction: Set induction refers to the way and manners in which a mathematics teacher starts or introduces his lesson.

Instructional Material: They are resources or material used by mathematics teacher and his student for the purpose of ensuring effective teaching and learning in the classroom.

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