This article investigates of the relationship between study habits and students academic achievement in mathematics at the junior secondary school level. The aim is to determine the relationship between various aspects of study habits including homework, assignments, time allocation, reading and note talking, study period procedures, concentration, written work, examination and teacher consultation and students achievement in mathematics to provide clearer understanding of the phenomenon.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract vi
Table of Content vii
- Background of the Study 1
1.2 Significant of the Study 4
1.3 Purpose of the Study 5
1.4 Research Question 5
1.5 Research Hypothesis 6
1.6 Scope of the Study 7
1.7 Limitations of the Study 7
1.8 Statement of the Problem 7
1.9 Definition of Term 8
2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Learning Theories that Aids the
Teaching of Mathematics 14
2.1.1 Component Display Theory (CDT) 14
2.1.2 Structural Learning Theory 16
2.1.3 Situated Learning 17
3.0 Research Design 45
3.1 Population of the Study 45
3.2 Sampling Techniques 45
3.3 Population and Sample 45
3.4 Research Instrument 46
3.5 Validity of Instrument 47
3.6 Data Collection 47
3.7 Data Analysis 47
4.1 Sex of the Respondent 48
4.2 Age of the Respondent 48
4.3 Test of Research Hypotheses 49
4.4 Observed Contingency Table 50
4.5 Observed Contingency Table 52
4.6 Observed Contingency Table 55
4.7 Observed Contingency Table 58
5.0 Introduction 62
5.1 Summary 62
5.2 Recommendation 63
5.3 Conclusion 64
References 65
Appendix 67
In recent times, reports of large scale educational failure among Nigeria school going adolescent has raise more attention and greater concerns among stakeholders in Nigeria education.
Isaugedighi (1999) observed that indiscipline, drug addition, poor socio-economic background of the parents, inadequate motivation on the part of students, lack of information couple with teachers non-chalant attitude to work and students negative self concept have often resulted into students in consistent and poor academic performance.
Yoleye (1999) submitted that theories of educational disadvantages and social, cultural, pathology have been most prominent in the explanation of this fair lure. A growing number of scholars, however, have rejected this latter view and have suggested that many of the problems of learning are the artifacts of discontinuities which are brought about by the separation of learning from real life function and solution (Fagbami 2001) and by the exclusion of the child’s languages, values and mode of cognition from the school environment.
(Ugodulunwa, 2007) it seems that causes of low academic achievement are diverse and cannot be associated with a single major factor alone. For instance, proponent of self-concept have found that self concept and its variables may be a paramount factor in academic failures causes of fluctuating in performance among students have also been seen attributed to teachers students interaction (Adamu 1998), intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Tukur and Musa 2001) and classroom behavior and other extraneous variables
However, it has been observed that studies on the relationship between students study habit and their academic performance in Nigeria can not be said to be exhaustive. (Ugodulunwa, 2007) successful achievement in any form of activity is based upon study interpretation and application (Yoloye 1999) and that study should have a purpose. It therefore depends on individual to decide why he or she wants to study either to gain new ideals or to find out relationship between two different things, what one learn as a result one of study depends on the degree at which one succeeds in achieving that aim or purpose. As one studies, it is possible of course to value other than one’s primary desire at the moment. Isangedigli (1997) reports strong correlation between students study habit and their academic achievement of high school students. The importance of skill training as a component in test anxiety treatment programme was demonstrated by Abba and in another study by (Tukur and Musa 2001). These researchers concluded that a reduction in test anxiety is no guarantee of subsequent improvement in academic performance when the level of study competence is ignored. Some researchers have found note taking activity as a study habit variable to be beneficial to students while (Abba 1 and Tukur and Musa 2001) found that note taking leads to overall superior performance and retention of new materials. Several investigations have suggested that less skilled reading is characterized by a limitation in short term. Memory capacity in addition to inefficient word identification (Isangedighi, 1997; Yoloye 1999). But according to (Fagbemi, 2001) the degree of learning depends on the amount of time, the child is actively engaged in learning, the time spent on studying helps students to retain the materials learnt, which will eventually bost the students performance outcome during test or examination. Therefore, this study investigates the relationship between undergraduates study habit and their academic performance.
The purpose of the study was to found out the relationship between study habit and academic performance of junior secondary school students in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. The study believed that if students study habits are improved and made consistent, academic performance would definitely improved the knowledge of student degree of study would of course help the teachers and the school counselors to select appropriate techniques of helping student and learning during teaching and learning procedures.
The primary aim of this study is to examine the effect of study habit on student’s academic performance. This general aim is expressed in the following specific objectives which are to:-
- Access the study habit of student in secondary school.
- Compare the academic performance of students who have developed a study habit and those who do not have study habit
- Examine factors influencing students study habit.
- Investigate the effect of study habit on student’s academic performance.
The following questions can be raised to guide the study:
- Is there any relationship between students study habit and academic performance.
- What is the nature of relationship between students study habit and their family background?
- How important is method of study on academic performance of students
- Does the school environment , student personality and peer group affect the study habit of students
Four hypotheses is formulated based on the research questions
- There is no significant relationship between students study habit and academic performance
- There is no significant relationship between students study habit and their family background
- There is no significant relationship between method of study and academic performance of students.
- There is no significant relationship between the school environment, student personality, peer group and the study habit of study habit of students.
The scope of the study is centered on students in some junior secondary school in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State.
The study is limited to only students in some selected junior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. Due to finance and time factor the researcher can not cover all the junior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government Area.
Due to the increasing nature of poor academic performance of secondary school students especially in external examinations like WAEC or UTME, many educationists tend to shift the blame on the teaching methodology adopted by the teachers and lack of fund from the government to provide quality textbooks.
However, these might not be the main reason why students perform poorly in examinations. It is clear from all indications that most secondary school students have poor study habit which might lead to poor academic performance.
As true as this might sound, it is yet to gather adequate research evidence to prove that it is a key factor on why students fail.
- STUDY HABIT: This is a behavior style that is systematically formed by students towards learning and achievement.
- STUDY SKILL: These are peculiar strategies developed by the students in studying.
- ACADEMIC: This has been variously defined but for the purpose of this study, Hornby (1991) defined academic as that which has to do with school, college studies or learning in other words designate the intellectual; aspect of education particularly the final subject deals with organized knowledge.
- ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: This refers to the performance that falls within specified standard. The specified standard is usually called pass mark and the pass mark is scored above average which students are considered having passed and below which students are considered having failed
- STUDENT: A person who is learning or studying at a place of higher or further education.
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