This study aimed at finding out how the role of the family in the management of the social life of a girl child and its effect on academic performance. The researcher made use of some selected secondary schools in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. The researcher drew the sample from the students population (The male) where (60) were randomly selected in some selected secondary schools and (40) were female were randomly selected in some selected secondary schools for the study in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. The major instrument used was a questionnaire which was a questionnaire which was in two sections. Five hypotheses were tested, however, four out of the five hypotheses was accepted while one was rejected. Recommendations were made, so as to make the education of the girl child be more effective and efficient.   




Education, according to Farrant (1975), is the process of learning to live as a useful and acceptable member of the community. Edena (2004) defined education as the process by which society through schools, colleges, University and other institutions deliberately transmit its cultural heritage that is, its accumulated knowledge, values and skills from one generation to another. If so, then these skills, knowledge and values should be transmitted to all members of the population irrespective of sex. In Africa, this is not so, the discrimination in education against women starts from infancy because most Africa communities prefer male children to their female counterparts. This goes on through life.

The coming of colonial government did not help matters because when formal Education was introduced, women were discriminated against. Odunaye et al ((996), quoting from the Executive Director, Empowerment and action Research Centre , Lagos state that ‘’deliberate discrimination in the educational opportunities available to women and the culture which discouraged female education did not make for early emergence of women occupying strategies positions.

When women were denied formal education they were abandoned to languish in ignorance and economically empowerment as being important’’. Incapacitated especially in matrimony and were nothing but baby manufacturing machines. Nobody consider her

Odunoye et al (1996) stated that a close look at women empowerment indicated that even the United nations Development programme (UNDP) Publications revealed that women worldwide are still an economic ‘’under class’’, accounting for 70% of the 1-3 billion people around the world who live below the absolute poverty line. Also reported is the social marginalization directed against women. This is demonstrated by the fact that women hold only 10% of parliamentary seats around the world and 6% of ministerial posts. This is so because the women are not educationally empowered. Even with that African woman are known to be hardworking, talented, accomplished and concerned about their families, communities, nations and the world.

Alabi (2004) reported the former US consul general, Mrs. Robyn Hisson Jones as saying that education needs to be given the attention it deserves as it is the only tool to fight injustice and poverty; while a lack of education led to marginalisation of women, who are the backbone of the society. She also opined that through education, Africa could fight the digital divide that keeps her lagging behind other continents. The lecture was to mark the 50th anniversary of the Annual African American Black History month organized by the United States Embassy in Lagos.

Olutunji Jnr (2004) in his paper, quoted Henry Ham as saying that “Education makes a people easy to lead but different to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave.” In the same paper, Martin Luther King Jnr was also quoted as saying that the “the strength of a country depends not on its abundant resources but on the number of her civilized citizens”. Therefore it is incumbent to raise people who are highly civilized and can stand the test of time and compare or compete with their counterparts elsewhere.

Bellany(2003) writing under the captain “Nations Discuss Girls’ Education” stated that both rich and poor nations gathered in India to review the plight of girls deprived by the taboos, social customs and economic constraints of their land. According to her, this was the last education conference by the United Nations Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF) to countries to get serious about the 2005 target of forming an action plan for gender parity in elementary education by the target date. The meeting came a week after the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) forecast that, countries like Pakistan and India might not achieve such parity by the target date. She noted that India Prime Minister, Atal BehariVajpayee disagreed with the world body’s views on India’s performance. He said, “we have launched a comprehensive programme for the education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years” while flagging off the three day international conference, the third high level group meeting on education for all by the year 2005. This is the largest and the most ambitious education programme in India. Bellany, who is the Executive Director of UNICEF, hinted that countries such as Pakistan needed to improve their monitoring apparatus, to stop children from dropping out of school.

The paper went on to say that UNESCO Director General, Koichiro Matsura, who supervised the conference, attended by senior officials from Africa, the rest of Asia and other continents, said governments and organizations working for the deprived girls must coordinate efforts and therefore suggested that a robust practical approach should be adopted while working together in harmony to stay the course until 2015.  The French president Jacques Chirac, in a message sent to the conference, insisted that education for girls was of prime importance. He then asked, how can a young mother who has never been to school pass on to her children the elementary knowledge they need to cope with the vicissitudes of life, and participate in the advancement of their generation”. Bellany (2003) stated that the UNESCO’s report estimates that two thirds or 20 million of the world’s out of school children were girls. It is also estimated that 100, 000 girls directly participated in conflicts in 30 countries in the 1990’s as fighters, cooks, porters, spies, servants and six slaves. The vat majority of the world’s estimated 25 million displaced people are women and children.

Ifedigbo (2004) also confirmed the non- education of girls in Nigeria.  According to her, the technological and social development of any nation depends on the level of educational development of its citizens. The role of education in the improvement of the quality of lives, acceleration of economic growth, harnessing of human intellect and potentials, the realization of political growth, tolerance, peace and unity cannot be over-emphasized. It is therefore necessary that both males and females at all levels should be educated. She added that Article 26 of the Universal Declarations of Human Rights of the United Nations has as its goal, the right of every child to education for the overall development of the human personality. But this is not so in Nigeria, because over 50 per cent of the Nigerian population made up of women, are living below the poverty line. To neglect their empowerment will spell doom for the country. A recent survey shows that in the North Eastern and North Western regions of Nigeria, about 83.7 per cent and 87.7 per cent of females have no access to forma education.

The emphasis of the girl child is becoming a societal issue in our contemporary society. The neglect of a girl child has attracted global attention. In recent time, the protection of the girl child from all kinds of violence has been a majorly crusade in our society. The rate at which the children, especially girls that are being abused either sexually or health wise, is one of the reasons why this project work is decided to be carried out.

The girl child often faces description from the earliest stages of life, through childhood and into adulthood. Her low status is reflected in the denial of her fundamental needs and rights, and in such harmful attitudes and practices as preference for such, early marriage, female genitals mutilation, domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, discrimination, less food and access to education as well as participation in political activities.

In recognition of the fact that in many countries

of the world, but developed, developing and under developed the status of girls significantly worse than that of boys.

The fourth world conference on women held in Beijing in (1995). Identified the persistent discrimination against the girl child and the violation of her rights as one of the twelve (12) critical areas of concern requiring urgent attention by government and the international communication and organization.

During the forty-second session in 1998, the United Nations Commission on the status of women recommended further nation of protection and empowerment of the girl child. Some of their recommendation of the session were measures to prevent and eradicate the sale of children, child prostitution and pornography, as well as action to enable girls including pregnant girls and teenage mothers to continue their education.

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary a child is defined as a young person from birth to the age of full physical development. A child is a person without experience of something. The level of experience is very limited.

A child behaves immaturely or irresponsible. They are easily influenced by a person, place or period.

The United Nations Convention on the right of the child, define a child as any person under the age of 18, that is anybody who has not attain the age of 18 is regarded as a child even within the Nigerian context.

According to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary girl child is defined as female child in baby girl. A girl child is a young women, that is girls in her teen or early twenties of all the process by which a child or young adult develops the abilities, attitudes and behaviours which are positive to her society.

Education is a process of transmitting culture in terms of continuity and growth for disseminating knowledge either to ensure social control or to guarantee rational direction of society. It can also be said to be a social process, which deals with all the harmonious development of all the abilities of man- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially. It imbues man with these skills, abilities and competence that enhance his welfare of the society in general. Education in its multiple dimensions is a process, a product and a discipline. As a process, it is a device employed to achieve a goal. It is a means to an end. As a product, it changes with years. It is sensitive to place and to time. As a discipline, it is goal focused.

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defined performances as an action to show how successful it is. It is also the ability to operate efficiently and react quickly.

Ilesanmi (2006) defines family as a close and friendly group of people with common origin and interest. Family can also be defined as a limit of people who agreed to live together as a father, mother and children (Nwobi, 1997).

Consequently, Ouagadogou (1997) defines family as a domestic group of people or number of domestic group, typically affiliated by birth, marriage or by comparable legal relationship. In chiding domestic partnership, adoption, surname and ownership (as occurred in the Roman Empire).

Management is defined by Dele Giwa (2000) as the direction and control of an enterprise planning and directing the work of others. She further said that management concerned with the direction and control of the four “MS” Men, Money, Material and Machines.

Many Parker (1992) also defined management as the art of getting things done through other people. This definition emphasis that managers/family achieve organization goals by arranging for others to perform whatever task may be necessary not by performing the tasks themselves.

In this research work emphasis is being laid on the recognition of the importance of a girl child which is more pronounced in such phrase as “Women Empowerment, Women Emancipation and upliftment and enhancement of the status of women in Nigeria.


The purpose of this research work is to identify the role of family in the management of a girl child and to offer possible ways of motivating and enhancing the career of a girl. The researcher has observed that a lots of girl child are being abused sexually by domestic wise and been use by our society due to the preference for a male child.

In this project the researcher intends to investigate and evaluate the various structure possible way of how girl child can be managed. Due to violence against a girl child the way they are being abused, sexually, domestically, academic issue because it has been giving a great concern will gives rise  of concern to the mechanical  practitioner educationist, government, non-governmental organization and international organization in which a reliable and lastable solution has to be offered to it.

The project is also intended to help the vast populace to accept the girl child as their male counterpart and also to give the girl child the chance to live modern life in order to fulfil her destiny and maximize their potential.


The significance of this research work is to:-

  1. Provide informative channel for the proper management of a girl child.
  2. Create opportunity for equal educational chance for girl child and boy child.
  3. Serve as a medium to encourage family to appreciate their female child just like the male counterpart.
  4. Examine the ways which educational performance of a girl child can be enhanced positively.
  5. Help the government, non-governmental organizations and international organizations to render the kind of aids or necessary assistance to render for the betterment of a girl child in the society.


The problem involved in this study include poor roles of some families in our society today affect the educational performance and social life of a girl child.

Admittedly, anyone who look into our society today will realize that the failure of a girl child to attain in life or conduct herself properly within the society and educational setting is as a result of parental failure (family) in their role playing or modelling of the girl child life.

Many families, however, has actually failed to live up together and to lift up their responsibilities in terms of adequate care, training of their wards (girl child). They failed to manage the social life of the girl child in given sound education and moral training. It is being observed that lack of moral rectitude and “get rich fast” syndrome has send their girl child out in return for money.

The neglect of the families makes the girl child becomes a drop out, hooligans, thief, pregnant teenager, drug pusher, prostitute in the society. In most African nations or countries there is belief that a girl child has no right to be empowered politically, educationally, socially and economically as the boy child. They believe that girl child has less rationale to participate in any activities or events, to them girl child is fit in homework’s and learning of apprentices like tailoring, hair dressing and so on, not to have equal educational chance like male child.


In light of above statement of the problem, the following questions would be answered in the study.

  • What is the effect of family social economic status on the educational life and performance of a girl child?
  • What is the effect of parental roles on the management of the social life and educational performance on a girl child.
  • What is the effect of social perspective about the girl child and how it goes to affect her educational performances?
  • Why is the mother roles crucial to the management and development of the social life and well being of a girl child.
  • What is the role of government, non-governmental and international organization in the management of social life and educational performance of a child?


  • There is no significant different between family extension and the social life of a girl child.
  • The family social economic status has significant effect on the management of the social life of a girl child.
  • The family/parental role has effect on the management of the social life and educational performance of a girl child.
  • Mother behaviour and portrays has effect on the social life, performance and interpersonal relationship of a girl child in the school setting.
  • The government, non-governmental and international organization roles has effect on the management.


This study is designed to cover some areas in Ojo Local Government Area in Lagos State. This place is used after considering the time, ability and financial factor by the researcher.


FAMILY: This can be described as an association of man, wife or wives and their children, relatives as well as a universal social unit of the society.  It is a kinship group, linked by blood and marriage as well as occupying a common household.

Child: This can be described as any person under the age of eighteen (18).

Girl child: It can be seen as a female child who is within age group of 10-13 years and is supposed to be in primary or secondary school.

Management: This can be define as the act of directing and organizing the work of a company, school or organization.

Social life: This is an old-fashioned, planned, informal party for the members of a group, club, church or family.                        

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