This paper looked into the relevance and the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) to entrepreneurship education of students in higher institutions in Nigeria. Hence it examined the concept of ICT as the use of computer based information system and communication system to process, store and transmit data. Entrepreneurship as skills acquired to established a business outfit. The objectives of entrepreneurship include but not limited to identify and solve problems using critical and creative thinking. Examined the link between science, vocational and technical education, small business and entrepreneurship. Also discussed are challenges to e-educational in Nigeria, background on ICT and digital entrepreneurship. Inferential statistics (chi-square) was used to analyze the information got from the questionnaire and the same instrument was used to compare the validity of the responses of respondents. It highlighted some of the agencies for promoting entrepreneurship education such as small and medium entreprises development agency of Nigeria, Industrial Development Centre, National Development Programme e.t.c. ICT as a tool for entrepreneurship was highlighted. Problems of entrepreneurship education such as absence of mentorship, short duration or programme e.t.c are explained way forward ICT, youth and entrepreneurship is also figured. The following suggestion are made, which include the government and private organization should establish mentors and empower a good number of entrepreneurship in different economic sectors.




Contents                                                                  Pages

Title page                                                                         i

Certification                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Table of Contents                                                             vi


CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

1.1   Background of the Study                                         1

1.2   Purpose of Study                                                     9

1.4   Research Questions                                               10

1.5   Research Hypotheses                                             10

1.6   Significance of the Study                                       11

1.7   Definition of Terms                                                12


CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review

2.0   Introduction                                                           14

2.1   History of Information and Communication

Technology                                                            15

2.2   Concepts of Information and Communication

Technology                                                            18

2.3   Background on ICT and Digital

Entrepreneurship                                                    24

2.4   The Entrepreneurship                                             28

2.5   Why ICT in Entrepreneurship?                                        34

2.6   Way Forward: Youth, ICT and Entrepreneurship?    40


CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology


3.0   Introduction                                                     44

3.1   Research Design                                              45

3.2   Study Population                                             45

3.3   Sample Population                                          45

3.4   Research Instrument                                       45

3.5   Validity of Instrument                                      46

3.6   Reliability of Instrument                                  47

3.7   Procedure for Data Collection                          49

3.8   Procedure for Data Analysis                             50


CHAPTER FOUR:Data Presentation and Analysis


4.0   Introduction                                                     49

4.1   Evaluation of Research Hypothesis                  49

4.2   Respondents Analysis                                      50


CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion


5.1   Summary                                                       56

5.2   Conclusion                                                    58

5.3   Recommendation                                           5        9

References                                                             62

Appendix                                                               65




  • Background of the Study

Computer studies have become a building block in the school system within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern school system. Many countries now regard understanding Computer studies and mastering the basic skills and concepts of computer as part of the core education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy. Computers are electronics technologies used for storage and retrieval. Development is partly determined by the ability to establish a synergetic interaction between technological innovations and human values. The rapid rate at which Computer have evolved since the mid 20th century, the convergence and perverseness of computers, gave them a strong role in development and globalization of entrepreneurial skills. (NWAGWU, 2014), Computers have a significant impact on all areas of human activities in this 21st century.

The field of Entrepreneur’s has been affected by computer studies which have undoubtedly affected teaching and learning. Computer studies have the potentials to accelerate, enrich and deepen sills, to motivate and engage students, to help relate computer knowledge to entrepreneurial skills. It also creates economic viability for future employees as well as strengthening and helping students change. To ensure this therefore, there is need for entrepreneurship education (Dawodu 2010).

Entrepreneurship is the act and art or being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations or introducing new things, finance,and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations to economic goods.This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalization matureorganization in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form ofentrepreneurship is that of starting new business (referred as Startup Company);however in recent years, the term has been extended to include social andpolitical forms of entrepreneurial activity. Whenentrepreneurship is describing itactivities within a form of large organization, it isreferred to as intra-preneurshipand may include corporate venturing, when largeentities spin-off organizations.

Computer Studies Entrepreneurship Education

        Entrepreneurship is not just about teaching someone to run a business. It is also about encouraging creative thinking and promoting a strong sense of self-worth and accountability.  Through computer studies students learn how to create a business but they also learn a lot more. Entrepreneurship seeks to prepare students, especially youth, to be a responsible, enterprising individual who become entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial thinkers and who contributes to economic development and sustainable communities. It is not based on textbook course, instead, students are immersed in real-life learning experiences where they have an opportunity to take risks, manage the results and learn from the outcome.

In a rapidly changing world, basic computer education is essential for students to be access and apply information in opening up a business. The economic commission for Africa has that indicated that the ability to access and we information is no longer a luxury, but a necessity that the entrepreneurship education. The goal of entrepreneurship education enables the trainees and students considers self-employment as viable options upon graduation from their institutions.

        Kalu and Onwukwe (2014),states that computer permeates the business environment, it under spin the success of modern corporations and it provides government with an efficient infrastructure. At the same time, computer adds values to the processes of entrepreneurial skills, and in the organization and management of entrepreneurship sustain ability. The internet is a driving force for much across all aspects of economics and social life. Entrepreneurship developments in computer are very rapid. This is because new version of the old technology is on the increase. New and better ways of doing things are not with us. Technology quickly becomes obsolete; requiring new skills and knowledge to master frequently adaption is only possible when based on a sound a sound understanding of principles, and concepts of entrepreneurship educations.

Entrepreneurship Education in Nigeria

The term entrepreneurship is derived from the term “entrepreneur” according to encyclopedia Americana (2015); entrepreneur is a business man who assumes the risk of bringing together the factors of production and receives his reward in form of profit from market value of his products. On the other hand, entrepreneurship skills and competencies that will enable an individual seek and run an enterprise successfully. Richen and Solagrik (2014) noted that entrepreneurial skills are acquired through training that emphasizes the acquisition and development of appropriate knowledge and skills that will enable an individual minimize the resources around him within the limits of his capacity. Therefore entrepreneurship education is a conscious effort geared towards the education and development of entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and ability essential in the management of an economic venture.

Computer as A Tool for Entrepreneurship

Improved entrepreneurship education is essential to the creation of effective human capital in any country (Eruh 2012). The need for computer as a tool in entrepreneurship education cannot be over emphasized. In this technology driven age, everyone require computer knowledge to survive, entrepreneurship educators are finding it very necessary to train their employees to establish, increase their knowledge of computer and other ICT facilities (Adomi and Amic, 2012). This calls for early acquisition of computer skills by students of entrepreneurship education. The ability to use computer effectively has become an essential part of everyone’s education. Skills such as book keeping, clerical and administrative work, stock taking and so forth, now constitute a set of computerized practices that form the core it skills package: spreadsheets, words processors and database (Adomi 2012). The demand for computer/ICT Literacy is increasing in Nigeria, because educators realize that computers and other ICT facilities can enhance entrepreneur education. On the other hand, educators have also realized that computers can be a threat to their job, and the only way to enhance job security is to become computer literate. With the high demand for computer literacy, the teaching and learning of these skills is concern among entrepreneurs’ educations (Brakel 2013). This is also true of other ICT components. New instructional techniques that use computer provide a different modality of instrument for the students, computer use, allows for increased individualization of learning. In schools where new technologies are used, students have access to tools that adjust to their attention span and provide valuable and immediate feedback for literacy enhancement, which is currently not fully implemented in the Nigeria School system. (Enuku and Emuka, 2013). Computer as a tool will provide beneficial in improving Nigeria’s educational system and giving students a better entrepreneurship education.

  • Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study therefore can  be summarized as follows:

  • To examine the relevance of computer studies to entrepreneurial skills ofstudents’ in higher institutions and objectives as it affects entrepreneurship
  • To identify the stand of entrepreneurship education in Nigeria Institute of learning
  • To bridge the gap between computer studies to entrepreneurship
  • Research Questions
  1. Will computer studies affect the students’ entrepreneurial skills positively?
  2. Will the achievement of entrepreneurship depend on factors such as Computer Studies and ICT


  • Research Hypothesis

H01   Is there any significant effect of computer studies towards entrepreneurship in society.

H02   There is no significant effects of computer studies and society affairs in entrepreneurship.

H03   There is no significant effect in entrepreneurship through factors such as computer studies and Information and communication technology (ICT) and educational objectives.


  • Significance of the Study

The result of this study will provide basic for the development interest of the students in entrepreneurial skills. It is also believe that the findings of this study will provoke further researcher in knowing the relevance of computer studies in entrepreneurship education of students in higher institutions of learning in Nigeria. It is obvious that training in computer and entrepreneurship is central to self-reliance. The present global economic crisis and the rising waves of unemployment have gently emphasized the need for entrepreneurship education and computer studies for production of skilled and self-reliant individuals.


  • Definition of Terms

Computer is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information of signals.

Computer is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program. It is designed to execute applications and provides a variety of solutions by combining integrated hardware and software components.

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating or seizing an opportunity and pursuing it regardless of the resources currently controlled. Entrepreneurship is the ownership and management of a private business and the bedrock of small scale business oriented towards the production of goods and services to satisfy the need and wants of customers.

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