In the coming decades, pedagogy method of teaching will be required in teaching and learning process in secondary schools, hence the need for this work (Empirical study of the impact of projector and interactive whiteboard in teaching-learning of computer studies in secondary schools). The study attempt to investigate how the potential of these modern tools can be fully exploited, with the necessary instrument required and to what extent these instruments be effective in teaching and learning. The data gathering instrument was a questionnaire consisting of 20 questions with the Chi-square method of analysis. The research work exploits the benefits of these modern tools and their impact on teaching and learning process with a case study of secondary schools in Badagry Local Government Area of Lagos State. The survey result shows that these modern tools make teaching more efficient and effective and make learning more productive. Unfortunately, most secondary schools in Nigeria do not have the facilities for the enablement of these modern tools in teaching learning, Moreso, the current educational system in Nigeria do not fully support the usage of these tools in teaching. It will therefore be of great benefit if the Nigerian Government could invest in these modern tools in our schools.


Front Page





Table of Content

Chapter One

  • Background of the study
  • Statement of the problem
  • Purpose of the study
  • Significance of the study
  • Research question
  • Research hypothesis
  • Limitation of the study
  • Definition of the terms

Chapter two

Literature Review

2.1     Introduction

2.2     History of the computer

2.3     History of the interactive whiteboard

2.4     History of projector

2.5     Impact of interactive whiteboard and projector on learning

2.6     Barriers for effective interactive whiteboard and projector use in secondary schools


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

3.1     Introduction

3.2     Research Design

3.3     Population of the design

3.4     Sample and sampling technique

3.5     Research Instrument

3.6     Validity of the instrument

3.7     Reliability of the instrument

3.8     Procedure for data collection/administration

3.9     Procedure for data analysis

Chapter Four

          Presentation of Data Analysis 

4.1     Introduction

4.2     Presentation of data

4.3     Discussion of findings

Chapter Five

5.1     Introduction

5.2     Summary

5.3     Conclusion

5.4     Recommendation






The “Man of the year” in 1982 according to a survey carried out by an international magazine was “the computer” computer is a calculating device with some special characteristics and abilities like- perform complex and repetitive calculations rapidly and accurately, make decisions and automatically corrects or modify by providing signals, certain parameters of a system under control, converse with users through terminals. e.t.c. The computer is inevitably an inseparable part of development in a country, as it can be used in airports, banks, railway stations and every well-equipped modern office.

As computers continues to proliferate in ever increasing numbers across large segments of government, business and industry, the common man is beginning to believe hesitantly that computers can actually deliver a good part of the promise that they had offered. Society is gradually accepting the fact that computers will indeed change the manner in which the things are done. As computers are daily utilities, they have gained immense importance in day-to-day life; their increasing utility has made computer education the need of the day.

By computer education, we mean, gaining the know-how of the basic concepts related to a computer and gaining basic knowledge of computer operation. Knowing about the basic knowledge of computer operation, the basic concepts behind the use of computers and the know-how of some elementary computer applications constitutes computer education. Learning about the computer ethics followed by a practical experience of using by a practical experience of using the computer and other accessories is the key to computer education; But this is a taboo in relation to our country because the teaching of this subject has suffered greatly in the use of instructional materials in our secondary schools whereby the teacher uses the traditional method of chalk and board without involving the students practically. But due to advancement in technology, ways has been identified to improve the learning environment when students are actively engaged in the learning process. Student’s engagement is one of the most important factors teaching and students’ motivation to learn, hence the introduction of interactive whiteboard and projects which strengthen an instructor’s verbal presentation while helping the students capture a specific message, it also helps in keeping the students’ attention throughout a presentation and help them remember particular information. At first, graphical representation was probably only way to enable man to capture fleeting thoughts and sole way of    transmitting thought, compare to oral transmission which was subject to rapid distortions (AdreLestage 1989) but little has been done on the quest for Audio-visual Aids (interactive whiteboards and projectors) hence the problem this tend to solve.

The subject at this period is going through a time of change, determistic approach, revolutionary period, qualitative and quantitative technique era. So it can be reasonably hope that this thesis will lead to a better use of interactive whiteboards and projectors to more pedagogy base upon them. However; the problem of the use of interactive whiteboards and projectors can be examined from the intellectual angle since it includes important practicals and technical aspects. To tell the truth, technique can not and should not be separated from pedagogy; whether it’s a teacher or a professor of computer studies, neither of them act differently when pedagogy and techniques are involved. Therefore; the pedagogy of interactive whiteboard and projector. The lack of qualified personnel and equipment is the most frequent obstacles of such an initiation routine; lack of initiative and administrative delay are other factors affecting the use of these modern audio-visual devices. Unfortunately, this initiative technique is not always carried out in the institution where future educators are trained; insufficient power supply is another problem; since this device is an electronic gadget; it needs constant power supply in the secondary schools where computer is to be taught. These are the problems facing the use of interactive whiteboard and projector this dissertation attempt to investigate in relation to teaching computer studies.


The reasons for this research work are basically on the problems associated with interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning of computer studies effectively in Nigerian secondary schools which had resulted to backwardness in the teaching-learning of computer. However; if positive measures are taken by the government in providing effective and adequate interactive whiteboard and projector in the Nigerian secondary schools, there is bound to be a positive change in the performance of students in the country and the country will move forward technologically.

  1. The broad objective of the study is to access the impact of interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning process of computer studies in secondary schools.
  2. The purpose of this study is to aid the computer studies educators with complete equipment as possible of the means of interactive whiteboard and projector to effect positive teaching-learning process.
  3. Also the purpose of the study is to examine the problem associated with interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching of computer studies.
  4. The study would also satisfy the curiosity of the researcher on whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning process.
  5. It will also provide basis for further research works.
  1. The finding of this work will enable computer studies educators to be aware of the relevance of interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning process of the computer studies.
  2. The findings will also reveal the problems associated with the use of interactive whiteboards and projectors in the teaching-learning process of computer studies.
  3. Findings will also throw more lights on the effort of the government to enhance the use of interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning process of computer studies
  4. The findings will also serve as a source of enlightenment to the students on the issue of interactive whiteboard and projector.

The following are the research questions for this study:

  1. Is there any significant difference between students taught with projectors and interactive whiteboards and those taught with the traditional method?
  2. Is there any significant relationship between the use of modern audio-visual devices and teaching-learning process
  3. Is there any significant relationship between the constant power supply and the use of interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning process?
  4. Is there any significant relationship between the availability of fund and the use of interactive whiteboards and projectors in the teaching-learning process of computer studies in secondary schools?
  1. There is no difference between students taught with projectors and interactive whiteboards and those taught with the traditional method.
  2. There is no significant relationship between the use of modern audio-visuals and teaching-learning process.
  3. There is no significant relationship between the constant supply of power and the use of interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning process of computer studies in secondary schools.

The study intended to reveal the impact of interactive whiteboard and projector in the teaching-learning process of computer studies in Lagos state. The scope of this study is limited to Lagos state secondary schools in Badagry Local Government Area due to the following reasons; finance, time, confidentiality, distance and other environmental factors, which are highly challenging to realize the optimum coverage of the dissertation direction according to the scope of the study. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the result of the study at the end will not be seriously affected by the identified limitation.



LEARNING: It is the knowledge or skills acquired through experience or study or by being taught. It also means a relative change in behavior relative to experience.

TECHNOLOGY: It is the application of scientific knowledge to solve human problem. It is also the making, usage and knowledge of craft, system or method of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function.

PEDAGOGY: It is referred to as strategies of instruction or style of instruction.

TECHNIQUE: It is a procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task.

TEACHING: It is the act of imparting knowledge or instruct (someone) in how to do something.

COMPUTER: This is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information and performing a sequence of logical operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.

COMPUTER STUDIES: This is the study of the principles and use of computers

PROJECTOR: This is a device used to project rays of light, especially an apparatus for projecting film on to a screen.

WHITEBOARD: This is a wipe able board with a white surface used for teaching or presentations.

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