The world all over is in a “Jet Age”, consequently, advanced techniques and technology is being used to help man in those areas of activities it seems impossible to handle manually. One of such technological innovation is computer. Its utilization is virtually in every facet of human endeavor. In order words, computer utilization in every aspect of human endeavours has come to stay. The project deals in details the adoption of innovative strategy for improving teaching and learning of computer studies in secondary schools. Three research hypotheses and tested were formulated. The population for the study was made up of students of secondary schools within Alimosho Local Government Area in Lagos State. The researcher makes use of a well structured questionnaire which the respondents answered accordingly. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics with graphical representation (Bar chart). The findings show that there is significant importance in adopting innovative strategy for improving the teaching and learning of computer studies in secondary schools. Conclusion and recommendation were made in such that students can be involved in active learning through innovative strategies.









Title Page                                                              i

Certification                                                           ii

Dedication                                                             iii

Acknowledgement                                                  iv

Abstract                                                                vi

Table of Contents                                                   vii


1.1 Background of the Study                                    1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                         7

1.3 Purpose of the Study                                                8

1.4 Research Question                                             8

1.5 Research Hypothesis                                          9

1.6 Scope of the Study                                            10

1.7 Significance of the Study                                    10

1.8 Definition of Terms                                            11


2.0 Literature Review                                              13

2.1 Innovation as a Concept in Teaching and Learning 13

2.2 Teaching                                                          15

2.2.1 Formal and Informal Teaching                          16

2.3 Learning                                                          16

2.3.1 Phases of Learning                                          17

2.3.2 Types of Learning                                           17

2.4 Curriculum and Innovation Strategy                            19

2.4.1 Syllabus                                                        20

2.4.2 Scheme of Work                                             21

2.5 Educational Objectives                                       23

2.6 Teaching Aids                                                   24

2.7 Approaches for Effective Teaching of Science

Subject                                                           26

2.7.1 Classroom Method                                          27

2.7.2 Laboratory Method                                                28

2.7.3 Individual Method                                           29

2.7.4 Field Trip Method                                            29

2.8 Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)                       29

2.8.1 Profile of CAL                                                 32

2.9 Integrating Computer Assisted Learning of

Computer Studies                                             33

2.10 Computer Use in Education                               33


3.1 Introduction                                                     36

3.2 Research Design                                               37

3.3 Population of the Study                                      37

3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques                        38

3.5 Research Instrument                                                38

3.6 Validity of the Instrument                                         39

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument                               39

3.8 Administration of Instrument and Method of Data

Collection                                                        40

3.9 Method of Data Analysis                                     41


4.0 Results and Discussion                                       42

4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis                                  42

4.2 Testing of Hypothesis                                        44

4.3 Discussion of Finding                                                50


5.1 Summary                                                         53

5.2 Conclusion                                                       55

5.3 Recommendation                                              56

5.4 Limitations of the Study                                     57

5.5 Suggestion for further Study                              57

Questionnaire                                                         59

Reference                                                              62


The concept of teaching and learning are two interwoven variables with over lapping interpretation .

Teaching provides the pivot for the attainment of learning while learning, in turn reflect the existence of teaching. The relationship between the two concepts reflect a cyclical symbiotic existence.

Aderonmu (1994) defined teaching as a process which entails mental and physical involvement of a specie in a well-ordered approach and which brings about a realization of set goals through behaviour. In the teaching process, the teacher initiates a set of activities in which his pupils takes path so that the result is the acquisition of a set or regular practice.

According to Hockenbury and Hockenbury (2000), Learning is a relatively enduring change in behaviours or knowledge as a result of experience. In his own view, Lahey (2003) refers to learning as to any relatively permanent change in behaviour brought about through experience, that is through interaction with the environment.

Chauhan (2009) defines learning as a relatively enduring change in behaviour which is a function of prior behaviour (usually called practice).

In his own words Feldman (1996) encompasses all the definition together by saying that learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour brought about by experience.

The definition’s given above emphasizes four attributes of learning as a process. The first is that learning is a permanent change in behaviour. It does not include change due to illness, fatique, maturation and use of intoxicants. The second is that learning is not directly observable but manifests in the activities of the individual. The third attribute of learning is that it results in some change of enduring nature. The fourth and the last is that learning depends on practice and experience.

According to Orukotan (1997), innovation comes from the latin world innovare (innovates) which means to make changes to renew. It is the act of making a change or new arrangement. Innovation and change have many things in common. Innovation is something new, it may or may not be better than what it seeks to replace.

The chamber’s dictionary international edition refers to change as make or become different, to give up or leave one thing for another, to make into or become something different, the process of becoming or making different a substitution of one thing to another. In a similar vein the Webster’s dictionary of English Language defines change as the passing from one form, phase, place and state to another, or to become altered. This alteration could be for good or bad. In other words, it could indicate progress or retardation.

IMPROVE: This is what Funk & Wagnalls standard desk dictionary view as to raise to a higher or more desirable quality, value or condition, make better/to increase the value, to become better, to produce something better. With this background, an improvement will therefore be an act of making things better; a modification or addition by means of which a thing’s excellence or value is increased, a person, thing, or process that constitutes an advance in excellence. This means that improvement is more that the mere introduction of a new thing. The new thing must have a better quality than the previous one, it must be more effective.

Improvement, therefore, is a special type of change it is a change for better, a worth while change that is directed towards excellence. It indicates progress, a newly introduced strategy (innovative strategy) that is better than the preceding one shows progress. Such a change which enhances the value or quality of the previous strategy is STRATEGY INNOVATION.

Since the year 2000, the application of information technology has been applied to our educational system both as a curriculum and as an innovative method of teaching. Such innovations includes the use of computers, audio-visual gadgets, megaphones, internet, etc. in the course of this chapter, strategies that brought innovation into the teaching and learning of computer studies in secondary schools in Lagos State includes;

  • Educational Technology
  • Internet
  • Audio-Visual Gadgets
  • Megaphone: A piece of equipment like a large horn which you talk through to magnity your voice or make it sound launder, when speaking to the Crowd.
  • Audio-Visual Gadgets: These are gadgets that combines the properties of sight and sound. They includes tape, CD, MP3, etc.
  • Educational Technology: This is a systematic way of designing, implementing and evaluating the total process of teaching and learning in terms of specific objectives based on research in human learning and employing both human and non-human resources to bring about more effective instruction (commission on instructional Technology, USA as quoted by Oshodi and Aremu (1996).
  • Internet: A computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information.
  • Computer: Is an electronic device that has the ability to accept data, internally store and execute a program of instructions automatically and provides result as an output accurately.  

There is no human activity that is not under one influence or the other and teaching and learning are not an exception. This study sought to look at the adoption of skill or strategy that will improve the teaching and learning of computer studies of secondary school students.


The foreseen problem in this project are:

  • The availability of the gadgets for innovation;
  • The finance of these equipment;
  • The technical know-how of the teacher in handling these equipment.

The purpose of this study is to:

  • Identify the innovative strategy for improving the teaching and learning of computer studies.
  • To find out the level of usage of innovative strategy for improving the teaching and learning of computer studies.
  • To evaluate the use of the innovative strategy for teaching and learning of computer studies.
  • Is there any relationship between the use of Educational technologies and the performance of computer studies students?
  • Will computer studies students show positive attitude towards technological innovation?
  • What are the problems in adopting innovative strategy in the teaching and learning of computer studies?
  1. There is no significant relationship between the use of Educational strategies and students performance in computer studies.
  2. There is no significant impact of technological innovation on the attitude of student taught using the strategy.
  3. There is no significant relevance/effect of adopting innovative strategy in the teaching and learning of computer studies.

This study is aimed at the adoption or application of technological innovation in the delivery of computer studies and it is carried out within Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State.


This is the era where technology has find its way virtually in all fields of life. Educational Technology, which is the application of scientific principles, methods and procedures to solve problems relating to education has come to stay. It is hard to think of any aspect of our society that is not affected by some forms of technology. However, findings of this study will:

  • Provide the basis for further investigation into the new technology/strategy that teachers can use to improve teaching and learning of computer studies.
  • Enable the curriculum planners to develop a new curriculum that incorporate innovative strategy.
  • Determine the use of technological innovation in teaching and learning of computer studies.
  • Determine the availability of technological equipment such as computer, audio-visual gadgets in teaching and learning of computer studies.
  • Finally, the findings will assist in evaluating the cost of innovation in teaching and learning of computer studies.
  • Technology: Is the use of scientific method, procedures and processes to solve contemporary human problems.
  • Educational Technology: Is the application of scientific principles, methods and procedures to solve problems relating to education.
  • Strategy: Skill in managing any affair, tactic, skillful planning in achieving an aim.
  • Innovative: Using clever new ideas and methods.
  • Learning: Is knowledge as a result of experience or through reading and study.
  • Teaching: Is the work or profession of a teacher.
  • Cyclical symbiotic: Recurring in cycles, harmonic relationship.
  • Computer: Is an electronic machine that accepts data, process, store and provide use information fast as an output according to a set of instructions called programs.
  • Internet: Is a computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information.

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