Title                                                                                                             i

Certification                                                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                                                   iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                iv

Table of Content                                                                                          v

Abstract                                                                                                       viii

Chapter One

1.0     Introduction                                                                                                 1

1.1     Background to the study                                                                    1

1.2     Statement of the problem                                                                             4

1.3     Purpose of the study                                                                           5

1.4     Significant of the study                                                                       6

1.5     Research Questions                                                                            7

1.6     Research Hypotheses                                                                          8

1.7     Scope of the study                                                                              8

1.8     Limitation of the study                                                                       9

1.9     Definition of Terms                                                                           9

Chapter Two

2.0     Literature Review                                                                               10

2.1     Introduction                                                                                                 10

2.2     Meaning of Information Literacy                                                        12

2.3     Information communication Technology in Education and for Education                         13
2.4     Teachers and Instrumentation Applications of ICT                                       16
2.5     Factors contributing to Using ICT in the Classroom                           20

2.6     Studies on Teachers uses of ICT                                                        22

2.7     Appraisal                                                                                           26

Chapter Three

3.0     Research Methodology                                                                       28

3.1     Research Design                                                                                 28

3.2     Population for the Study                                                                     28

3.3     Sample and Sampling Technique                                                       28

3.4     Instrument for Data Collection                                                           29

3.5     Validation of Instrument                                                                    29

3.6     Reliability of Instrument                                                                     30

3.7     Method of Data Collection                                                                 30

3.8.    Method of Data Analysis                                                                             30

Chapter Four

4.0     Data Analysis and Discussion                                                             31

4.1     Data Analysis                                                                                     31

4.2     Hypotheses testing                                                                              34

4.3     Discussion of Findings                                                                       38

Chapter Five

5.0     Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations                                  40

5.1     Summary                                                                                           40

5.2     Conclusion                                                                                         42

5.3     Recommendation                                                                               43

References                                                                                                   45

Appendices                                                                                                  48





The purpose of this study is to find out the development of Educational Management Information System (EMIS). The research was conducted in Lagos State. The sample for this study was taken from two secondary schools and consisted of a total of 20 staffs the sample, which was randomly selected, has its member from different positions.

Questionnaire were distributed to solicit information and the result obtained from this study show that the development of management Educational Management Information System (EMIS) our secondary schools education is essential. Implications of this for the future were discussed and suggestions given. 

This study examined the effects of ICT on teacher’s productivity and students’ performances in Lagos state secondary schools. Questionnaires were used as instruments to collect primary data from for analysis. Chi- square statistical tool was used to test the three hypotheses formulated and all the three hypotheses were rejected. Findings of this research  revealed  that the use of ICT  in Nigeria nowadays has made teaching and learning easier in secondary schools, and it is  now possible to deliver training and teaching to a widely dispersed audience by means of an on –demand  two – way  video over terrestrial broad band. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made – Employers of teachers and teachers should take advantage of the several on – going in –service training on ICT by participating with organizers to expand the tenure of such training or workshop; teachers training and professional development, oriented policies should support ICT related models that encourage both students and teachers to play an active role in teaching and learning activities, and teachers needs to adopt, develop and support a pedagogic culture that develops supportive practices for student’s and encourages own theories in teaching and learning activities.





1.1       Background to the Study

Every country invests in the development of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) in order to improve the standard of their educational sector. This connotes that education is very important key in the growth and development of a country.

In terms of population size, educational profiles of the population, cultures, land mass and geographic features, governmental organization, the structure of the educational system, and available resources, Nigeria is trying but has not gotten to their target destination and for this reason the challenges that individual states in the country face vary in terms of their efforts to develop a comprehensive, integrated Educational Management Information System (EMIS). While some effort has been made to address some of these challenges across the country, generally the perspective taken for this review has been more generic in terms on looking at the technical, organizational and human dimensions and challenges of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) design and development.

1.1       Background To The Study

School system in developing nations are often asked to increase the quality and quantity of basic education despite limited resources. Achieving quality education requires a careful system management, planning and evaluation, but many education ministries fail to use information to guide their decision making.

Secondary education has increasingly becomes a central concern of Nigeria and other developing countries particularly among those that have made rapid progress in universalizing primary education, and those in which demographic transition has shifted toward adolescent. It is widely believed that ICT is an important potential for implementing Educational Management Information System (EMIS) to improve planning organizational efficiencies data collection and analysis, information sharing and transparency in the education sector to help meet objectives related to the millennium development goals.

Over forty World Bank education project over the last four years had components related to the development of Education Management Information System (EMIS), but little is known about best practice and lesson learned from such investments. While  Educational Management Information System (EMIS) are perhaps the least glamour’s types of ICT related investment in education, they appear to be the most often deployed used of ICTS in large donor founded the education sector. The sheer number and magnitude of such investments, combined with a lack of rigor’s studies on their implementation and effectiveness, points to a potential for west and inefficiencies.

In programme which are sensitive to local needs for educational planning, data of student staff, teaching and learning activity, finances, resourcing, etc can be processed and accessed. And with the availability of appropriate content delivery mechanism (whether online via internet or offline via CD ROMS and other storage mediums) up to date information can inform effective decisions by ministries in any desired format.

The effective use of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) can be confounded by a variety of social and cultural factors. Some governments complain that Educational Management Information System (EMIS) are imposed by donors more as control mechanism than as tools for learning and effective planning. Local governmental authorities may have similar complaints about their participation in managed by a central government authority, especially where there is no history of sharing information and receiving anything useful in return. Management information system in the education sector are often designed by technical people, ignorant of prevailing educational policies and with insufficient input from education specialists, as stand-alone systems, not integrated with information system in other parts of government. It should be noted that integration with other system and planning mechanisms may be increasingly critical where donors are moving toward sector-wide approaches (SWAPS) to enhance their cooperation and collaboration information system.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

This project is all about the Development of Education Management Information System in Nigeria secondary schools. Taking Lagos State as a case study. The problems to be looked into are:

  1. The formation of educational policy, their management and their evaluation.
  2. The decrease in the use of information for educational development, both internally and externally.
  3. The development of a geographic information system.
  4. The problem of creating a network users and producers in increasing the role of information in the development of education.

1.3       Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to look at the Development of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) in Nigeria secondary school. The critiques say that educational management in Nigeria is nothing to write home about, therefore in order to solve this problem encounter by the education sector in proper management of this sector, the study therefore we be:

  1. To promote educational development through informed policy making practice by increasing demand for information use.
  2. To help in the development of Geographical Information System (GIS) to readily re-allocate schools to different region.
  3. To promote the use of education information both internally and externally, by increasing its quality.
  4. To create a network of users and procedures an increase the role of information in the development of production.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. What are the best practice for implementing educational management information system.
  2. How will the creating of user network and increase in the role of information production affect the development of the use of management information system in education.
  3. How will the promotion of education information system both external and internal affect education management.

1.5       Research Hypotheses

  1. There is no significant relationship between the education policy maker and the management of education information system.
  2. The promotion of education system both external and internal has no significant effect on the efficiency of education management.
  3. The creation of user network and its increase in the role of information production will have no significant effect on the effective utilization of education management information system.

1.6       Significance of Study

The outcome of this study will be in no doubt serve as a means of solving the different problems faced in Nigeria education management. Therefore there is every hope that the result of this funding will attract more researchers in education management therefore there is every hope that the result of this finding attract more researchers in education management information system. Therefore, the solution to educational problems will help to create a positive effect in the education sector as a whole. The suggestion made if properly followed and executed will minimize educational problems and create a way for its development.

1.7       Scope and Limitation of Study

This study focused on the development of Educational Management Information System in Nigeria secondary schools, with Lagos State as a case study.

1.8       Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

Education: This is the act of imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at school.

Management: This is an effort made to co-ordinate the exertion of human and material input in order to achieve the set objectives.

Information: This is an additional knowledge the user desire about the functions under their responsibilities.

The system: Stephen G. Haines (1990) define a system as a set of elements or component that work together in relationship for the overall good and objective (or vision) of the whole.

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