The major purpose of this research study was to know the roles of science and technology in national development. The researcher uses primary and secondary sources of information for data collection of this work. The primary source of information are my persona; experience as a science teacher and my observation while the secondary sources included reading of journals and relevant textbooks on the topic, interviewing/ questionnaires and class discussion. One hundred respondents were used in this research work consisting of secondary school students in Amuwo-Odofin Local Government Area of Lagos State. Data collected was analyzed using simple percentage and chi-square statistical tools. The findings revealed that the critical analysis of the roles of science and technology in national development include poor method of teaching science subjects, lack of instructional materials, poor transportation system, pollution, inadequate housing and water supply, unconducive learning environment; restricted flow of communications. Based on this finding, it is recommended that there should be good and conducive environments for teaching and learning of science subjects, qualified and competent teachers in their field of study should be employed, there should be adequate instructional materials that can facilitate flow of communication easily and enlighten the society on the need and use of science and technology for national development. 




Title page                                                       i

Certification                                                    ii

Dedication                                                      iii

Acknowledgement                                            iv

Abstract                                                         v

Table of Content                                              vi



  • Background to the Study        1
  • Statement of the Problem 3
  • Purpose of the Study 5
  • Research Questions 6
  • Research Hypotheses 6
  • Significance of the Study 6
  • Scope of the Study 7

1.8  Significance of the Study                                  8

1.9  Definition of Terms                                   9




2.0  Literature Review                                      10

2.1  Concept of Science Education                     10

  • Challenges Facing Science Teachers

in Schools                                                      15

2.3  Falling Standard of Science and

Technology Education in Nigeria                  17

2.4  Method of Teaching Science in Schools        20



  • Research Methodology 36

3.2  Research Design                                       36

3.3  Population of the Study                             37

3.4  Sample and Sampling Technique                 37

3.5  Validity of the Instrument                          37

3.6  Reliability of the Instrument                       38

3.7  Research Instrument                                 38

3.8  Administration of the Research Instrument   38

3.9  Method of Data Analysis                                   39






4.1  Introduction                                             40

4.2  Testing of Research Hypothesis                   42





  • Summary 48
  • Conclusion 49
  • Recommendation 50

References                                               52

Appendix                                                 55




Science is a human endeavour concerned with a knowledge that seeks to describe conditions and circumstances with our national environment.

According to the world English dictionary, date science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts and truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws; the mathematics law. Again, it is also a systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation cited the world English Dictionary.

According to oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004) science education is the field concerned with sharing science content and process with individuals not traditionally considered part of the scientific community.

The target individuals may be children, college students or adult within the general public. The field of science education composes science content, social science and some teaching pedagogy. The practice of science education has been increasingly informed by research into science teaching and learning. Research in science education relies on a wide variety of methodologies, borrowed from many branches of science and engineering such as computer science, cognitive science, cognitive psychology and anthropology. Science education aims to define what constitutes learning in science and how it is brought about cited by National policy on Education (2004).

According to the Association for Educational communication and Technology AECT (1982), educational technology is a systematic, wholistic, learner-centred, electric, innovative as well as a problem-solving approach whose main thrust is the facilitation of human learning. It involves the use of human resources and application of right methods, all integrated in a systematic manner to enhance learning efficiency, learning effectiveness and appeal of instruction.

Educational technologies are being refined to meet the specific needs of science teachers in both lower and higher level of education. Science education settings show that mobile technologies can increase student engagement and motivation in the classroom.

According to the free online dictionary, development is a significant event, occurrence or change. It is a gradual process which has to do with identification and application of scientific knowledge acquired during the process of science education.

Balogun (1972) emphasized that adopting educational technology in science education makes it interesting and interactive. This brings change in learners and also has effect on the society at large.

Solomon (1993) and Aikenhead (1994) emphasize the teaching of scientific and technological developments in their cultural, economic, social and political context. In this view, the research work is aimed at investigation the roles of science education and technology in national development.


It is obvious that during the next century more than half of the world’s inhabitants will reside in resides in cities. The rapid growths of world’s population are the result of many complex economic, social, demographic and political factors.

Cities play an increasing vital role in education, culture and productively. Cities throughout the world, however, suffer a host of problems including traffic congestion pollution of air ad water inadequate water supplies wasteful use of energy, problems of waste disposal, inadequate housing, the spread of communicable diseases and the deterioration of special support system

Many cities have expanded into area prono to earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters. Even though cities which have no longer  growing in population continue to expand  in territory, dwelling  space transportation  density  r6esource consumption  and production of wastes.

It is very annoying to have  the basic  scientific and technological  know how to ensure  that every living person  has access to clean  water adequate  food supplies , global information and worldwide  communication  yet  we do not have the knowledge to  provide these components in ways  that  everyone  can use  today  technologies  are  powerful and remarkably pliant in the  hands of  these  who are both literate  and sufficiently  savvy to use  them  but much  of their power  is lost on over  half the worlds population  the people  for whom  these  technologies  would most  transformative are the ones  who, even  if they  had  physical  access, would not  be able to use them

Curiosity and critical thinking are lost in student at school level, study science subjects because most teacher cheating and malpractice   during examination by charging and collecting money to pass the science  student  in doing  so the  students  moral  are very low  in learning  most  of the students  are lazy their minds  are pollut7ed by their  peers, parent  and friends  and  this  in turn has  great  effect on  the individual  as well as the  society


The following are the purpose of the study:-

  1. To determine whether there is any significant relationship between science education and technology.
  2. To determine whether poor science education have any significant effect in the national development.
  • To determine if national development depends on the roles of science education and technology.


  1. Is there any significant relationship between science education and technology?
  2. Does lack of science education have any significant effect in the national development?
  • Does national development depends on the roles of science education and technology?

Ho1:  There is no significant relationship between science education and technology.

Ho2:  Lack of science education does not have any significant effect min national development.

Ho3:  National development does not depend on the roles of science education and technology.


It is hope that this study will enlighten all Nigerians on the meaning of science education and how national development depend on its roles and technology.

This study will help the educational bookies in Nigeria to introduce more courses on science education. And also, to include the educational technology that will be effective for mastering of each topic.

It is also hope that science teachers, Government and the society will find this research work essential on the area of seminars and workshops for science teachers; to exposure them more on modern day educational technologies for effective teaching of science subjects. The Government and the society to be expose and be educated on the contributions of the science and technology in national development.


The scope of the study will be focused mainly on the roles of science education and technology in national development. It will also be restricted to Amowo-Odofin Local Government Area of Lagos state. Five Junior Secondary School will be randomly selected. Questionnaire will be administered to hundred respondents. The chi-square sati cal tools will be used to analyses the data collected.


It is hope that this study will enlighten all Nigerians on the meaning of science education and how national development depend on its roles and technology.

This study will help the educational bodies in Nigeria to introduce more courses on science educational. And also, to include the educational technology that will be effective for mastering of each topic.

It is also hope that science leaders, government and the society will find this research work essentials on the area of seminars and workshops for science teachers; to exposure them more on modern day educational technologies for effective teaching of science subjects. The government and the society to be expose and be educated on the contributions of the science and technology in national development.


Education: Education is the process of providing people and society with information about an important issue.

Science: Science is the study of knowledge which can be made into a system usually depends on seeing and testing.

Technology: Technology is practical application of scientific knowledge to the solving of everyday problems.

Innovation: Innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements.

Invention: Invention is a new process for creating an object.

Development: It is an event constituting a new stage idea for changing situation.

Impact: Impact is an influence that occur in an event that brings improve individual and or society.

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