This research work was carried out to survey the influence of stress on the academic performance of science students. To accomplish this research project, the researcher used the Biology students 2008 set as a sample for the study. The population involved 20 students purposely sampled. Twenty – five questioners were administered to each student. The results of this finding were coded and analyzed. This research therefore reveals the effect of stress on the academic performances of science students.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi – viii
0.1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the Study 1-3
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Purpose of study 4
1.4 Research hypothesis 4-5
1.5 Significant of the study 5
1.6 Scope / delimitation 5-6
1.7 Definition of terms 6
2.0 Review of literature 7
2.1 Meaning of stress 7
2.2 Types of stress 7
2.3 Causes of stress 7
2.4 Signs & symptoms of stress 8
2.5 Effect of stress 8
2.6 Remedy for stress 8
- 7 Relationship between stress & Education 8
2.8 Effect of stress on Education 8
2.9 Response of student to stress 8
2.10 Gender differences & stress 8
2.1 Meaning of stress 9-10
2.2 Types of stress 10 – 14
2.3 Causes of stress 15 – 18
2.3 Factors leading to emotional stress 18 – 19
2.4 Signs & Symptoms of stress 19-22
2.5 Effects of stress 22
2.5.1 Short term effects of stress 22 – 25
2.5.2 Long term stress 25 – 27
2.6 Possible solutions to stress / remedy 27-48
2.7 Relationship between stress & Education 48 – 51
2.8 Effects of stress on Education 51 – 54
2.9 Response to stress by students 54 – 55
2.10 Gender different & stress 55 – 57
3.0 Research methodology 58
3.1 Research Design 58
3.2 Population of study 58
3.3 Sample & Sampling Techniques 59
3.4 Research Instrument 59
3.5 Validity of SAP 59
3.5.1 Reliability of the Instrument 60
3.5.2 Stress Attitudinal Questionaire 60
3.5.3 Validity of SAQ 60
3.6 Administration of Instrument 61
3.7 Data Analysis 61
4.0 Results and Discussion 62
4.1 Testing of Hypothesis 62 – 64
4.2 Discussion of results 64 – 66
5.0 Summary Conclusion & Recommendation 66 – 67
5.2 Conclusion 67
5.3 Implications of the study 68
5.4 Recommendation 68 – 70
5.5 Limitation of study 70 – 71
5.6 Suggestion for further studies 71
References 72 – 74
Sandwich programmes is a yearly programme undergone by most people in every state during the holiday yet those undergoing it are always faced with problems which they cannot avoid one of such problems ‘STRESS’ which nobody has made an attempt to research deep into the causes and which reasonable solution to reduce or solve this problem.
From the helpguide organization [2002], stress is defined as psychological and physiological response to events that upset our personal balance in some way. We all face different challenges and obstacle s and sometimes the pressure is hard to handle. Stress can affect anyone from children to adolescents to adults. Women are affected twice more than men. Studies show that stress is responsible for 70% visit to doctors and is the reason for 85% of the serious illnesses and failure.
Most student s undergoing the programme comprises of adults, in fact, more women are engaged in the programme more than men. We need to ask ourselves this question, why are adults taking up this programme more than the youths.
Changes in the life situation of people in economic, social, cultural and political worlds are presenting a number of challenges and opportunities to people . As change agents, the beneficiaries are expected to change in number of ways. It is this that prompt most adults who may either want to make up for limited schooling to pass examination learn the basic skills of trades engage in the programme.
Paul [1987] declared that there are those who believe that science would eventually solve everything and that if only the world were run more scientifically , it would be a much better place. How can the world be a better place when those that suppose to teach and implement science are not laying down good foundation in their poor study and performances due to stress which they allow to over power them. During the dark age, our forefathers were not all that concerned about schooling, all what they were after was on their farming and having more children to help them in their farm work, but this era of education which is termed jet age has a lot to offer and we must try and maintain equilibrium so that stress will not take the upper hand over our performances.
It is not uncommon to see married women loosing pregnancy during the programme due to stress, both during the lecture and examination period. The distance from residence to the school cannot be ruled out as what student goes through , whenever there is fuel scarcity is a great hurdle, transport fares escalate so much that the students will have to lap themselves, traffic congestion at times causes some students to ride on Okada not minding the cost and risk and even trekking especially from Okokomaiko to Iyana– Oba as a result of this , some students misses lectures, tests, practical and even examination which is of paramount importance to their certification which therefore add to their work load the next year.
Many students who are agile before they started the course becomes sick before the middle of the programme due to stress, the long queue that most students experience s during the payment of school fees, collection of course from, exam slip and screening exercise is much no wonder why it was reported that a pregnant woman fainted there last year.
All theses knowledge of the past and present will allow and prepare us to face the challenges which anybody preparing to undergo the problem is likely to face and how solution could be proffered.
It has also been observed that the performance of students undergoing sandwich degree programme have not been encouraging. Many reasons have been suggested as factors affective performance of students undergoing this researched into such as adequate laboratories, quality of teaching & staffs, environment e.t.c but when these factors were found to be improving, the graph of achievement is still falling. Hence, the effects of stress on academic performance have not been really research into.
Therefore, it is against this background that this study sought to investigate how stress affect students undergoing sandwich programme taking AOCOED as a case study.
There is no human activity that is not under one influence or the other and students academic activities are not an exception. This study sought to investigate the extent do which stress influences the academic performance of CESADEP science students and how the influence can be positively wed to improve academic performance of students.
The purpose of this research topic sought
—- To know the meaning of stress, types, symptoms causes and effects
—- To identify the causes of stress
—- To find out if stress is responsible for students performance.
—- To suggest necessary steps to be taken to reduce the poor performance of some students.
—- To find out if it is only the adults that stress have negative effect upon.
—- There is no significant relationship between stress and poor
performance of science student.
—- There is no relationship between stress and study of science courses
—- There will be no significant relationship between stress in women and
their performance.
—- There is no significant relationship between some youths and their
—- Findings on this investigation of the influence of stress will allow the in – coming students to know the positive and negative effect of stress.
— Findings will prepare the students to face the challenges which anybody
preparing to undergo the course is likely to face.
—- The study will help student to adjust to learning conditions so as to
improve their performance .
—- It will also help the students to manage the stress knowing fully well
that is going to be for a short period of time.
—- It will also create positive attitude into member of the public to be a sort
of assistance to this students.
—- Govt. should also assist in the area that they can help to help students
undergoing sandwich manage stress.
In the course of the investigation, the researcher will be limited to only the Biology students in AOCOED Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education in order to avoid embarrassment of thinking that the researcher might wants to poke nose into their affairs academically.
—- PERFORMANCE: The standard of success that someone or something
—- PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT: a change that affects the mind and behaviour in a particular person.
—- AGITATION: Worry over some issues.
—- HOMEOSTASIS This is a process whereby living organism keeps its own state steady and continous despite changes in its environment.
—- STIMULATORS There are substances that make someone feel more lively or awake.
—- TOXINS – Poisonous substances
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