The objective of this study was to find out how acquisition of skills in science teacher preparation in teaching and learning of biological concept. Three research hypotheses were drafted to guide the study. Random sampling technique was used to select a sample of fifty respondents. Questionnaire was used in collecting data and data was analyzed using chi-square statistical method. The result of the findings revealed that lack of interest on the part of the teachers to get themselves acquainted with relevant science skills. Absence of equipped laboratories, lack of enough laboratory equipment, etc hinder teaching and learning of biological concept in secondary schools in Alimosho Local Government District I of Lagos State. Given the above findings, the researcher concluded that unless the identified problems are solved, it will be difficult for teacher to acquired skills in secondary schools in Alimosho Local Government Area of District I of Lagos State. The implications of the study were highlighted and recommendations on how to minimize or solve the identified problems were made. The limitations of the study were also mentioned and suggestions for further studies were given.
Contents Pages
Certification i
Dedication ii
Acknowledgment iii
Abstract v
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1 Background to the Problem 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Purpose of the Study 4
1.4 Significance of the Study 5
1.5 Research Questions 6
1.6 Research Hypotheses 6
1.7 Scope of the Study 7
1.8 Definition of Terms 7
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Science Teaching in Relation to Classroom Environment 10
2.2 Training of Science Teacher in Acquisition of Skill for Effective Teaching and Learning 13
2.3 Preparation for Science Lesson 14
2.4 Resources in Teaching of Biological Concept 16
2.5 Purpose of Instructional Materials 19
2.6 A Pairing Strategy for Enhancing Students Learning: Acquisition of Laboratory Skills in Two Biology Core Courses 25
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction 28
3.1 Research Design 28
3.2 Population of the Study 28
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques 29
3.4 Research Instrument 29
3.5 Validity of the Instrument 29
3.6 Reliability of the Instrument 30
3.7 Administration of Instrument 30
3.8 Data Collection 30
3.9 Data Analysis 31
CHAPTER FOUR: Result and Discussion
4.1 Introduction 32
4.2 Testing of Research Hypotheses 32
4.3 Discussion of Result 35
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary 38
5.2 Conclusion 38
5.3 Implication of Research Study 39
5.4 Recommendation 39
5.5 Limitation of the Study 41
5.6 Suggestion for Further Studies 42
References 43
Appendix One 45
Appendix Two 49
In any educational system that is general towards science teaching is a significant variable whose number quality and functions can enhance or determine the realization of science objectives.
Therefore, science teacher preparation is central to the whole issue of success, failure quality or equality education. They are simply out, crucial inputs of any educational system.
This suggest that science teacher need to be prepared, trained and retained to play the needed roles of which specific skills has to be acquired to enhance teaching and learning at all level. Skill in science is one of the activities designed to teach learning skills explicitly in the context of a science course. It aim to enhance the quality of science teaching/learning of biological concept and to improve student attainment by providing teachers in (a) strategies to identify and reconstruct learning skills relevant to science education (b) activities which develop student’s learning skill in the context of science (c) resources that can be integrated into a variety of scientific subject.
Previously, skills for science teaching were acquired through trial and error. The skill in science programme helps the teacher to integrate these skills into the teaching of scientific programme which help the teacher to integrate these skills into the teaching of scientific content, it provides activity to facilitate, to explicit guided and well-planed learning opportunities that foster skill development.
Looking at the school curriculum, the biological concept, one of the important knowledge of biological content at school and universities on biology, it reflect a chain of events happening in a certain sequence with orientation of which take place on all of living level, molecule, cell, bodies and above bodies.
In order to teach successfully, a biological concept, we should have necessary supporting means. Information materials uses in teaching biological concept (can be called learning information resources) is easy to have good result due to the advantages that do not appear in other teaching learning means.
Learning information resources have absolute position in teaching and learning of biological concept. However, if using with request, there will be contrary effect in teaching, pupil cannot comprehend important content.
This study involves mainly science teacher preparation at all learning levels of education. This study is aimed as finding out the skills that need to be acquired for effective teaching and learning of Biology concept.
Talking about a biological concept, it about structures (components) movement and interaction of the component on a certain sequence on a fixed condition. The orientation, self-regulation, unity are typical characteristic of biological concept may have these types. The biological, physiological, genetic process at molecule level, synthesizing protein, photosynthesis, respiration, assimilation, catabolism, absorbability, physiological and genetic process at cell body level; cell division, forming gametes, pollination, fertilization, freezing water vapour, reproduction, individual developing process…. The ecological evolutional process at above body level (community and ecosystem; conforming, forming conformable characteristic, forming new species… with the assist of learning information resources, teaching biological concept is more effective, precise and can help students understand more deeply.
Science teaching is for the purpose of the effective learning of science subjects. This then means that there is relationship between skills in science and teachers preparation in teaching and learning process. The aim of this study is to look into secondary school teachers teaching Biology. The study will examine the effect and possible solution to acquisition of skills in science teachers preparation in teaching and learning of Biological concept.
The main purpose of this study is to find out the effect of acquisition of skills in science teachers preparation in teaching and learning of Biological concept with particular reference to Education District I of Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State.
It has been observed that Biology teachers show no interest in acquiring science skills to boost their teaching skills. It is in view of this that this study is being carried out from the following reasons:
- To find out the extent to which science teacher are aware of teaching skills.
- To enlighten the teachers on the general effect of acquisition of skills in relation to Biological concept.
- To proffer solution or suggestions on how science teacher can acquire skills.
Nguyen (2008) was of the opinion that the acquisition of skills recognizes the need to prepare students for higher education and employment by supporting their development as independent learner.
On this note, this study is of great significance because it will encourage science teacher to make their teaching skills more attractive so as to bring about interest of students by using a number of teaching skills. In addition to normal teaching, these include, information retrieval, data representation, scientific reading, observing, scientific writing and knowledge presentation. By doing these, students will realize that these will make them to be self-reliant later in life.
The result of this study will also enlighten those who teach in the master programmes in helping to development or to carry out teaching task, such as guiding students in the laboratory or during tutorial session and supervising short research project.
For the purpose of the research, the following questions would be looked into to establish the teacher towards acquisition of skills in teacher preparation in teaching and learning of biological concept.
- What are the skills in science teaching?
- What are the significant difference between the acquired skills and teacher preparation for teaching?
- What are the significant between the acquired skills in science and teaching and learning of biological concept?
The following hypotheses were generated for the study;
- There is no significant relationship in the acquired skills and teacher preparation for teaching.
- There is no significant relationship in the acquired skill used in science teaching and learning of biological concept.
- There is no significant relationship between acquired skill in science teaching and years of experience.
Public secondary schools in Education District I in Alimosho Local Government were used in carrying out the research. This study was carried out among senior secondary students because of its importance (biology) in Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination.
Acquisition: This is the act of getting, especially knowledge, a skill, etc.
Skill: it is the ability to do well.
Science: It is that human endeavour that seek to describe with ever increasing accuracy, the events and circumstances that occur or exist within our natural environment (Woodburn and Oboum, 1965).
Teacher: A person whose job is teaching especially in a school.
Learning: This is as a relatively permanent change in a behaviorual potentiality that occurs as a result of reinforced practice (Hengenhan, 1982).
Biological Concept: This is a word or group of words or symbol which may represent the meaning or the definition of biological terms or phenomenon.
Science Teacher: This is seen a person who specializes in teaching of science subjects also who impact scientific skills into the learners.
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