The study sought to investigate the effect of vocational and technical education in educational development of Lagos State with particular references to Ojo Local Government in Lagos state. The research work was written in five chapters. Chapter one comprises of the framework of the study which embraces the introduction and background of the effect of vocational and technical education in educational development 0f Nigeria. However, chapter two covers the aspect of related literature review, the research questions were to determine problems associated with vocational and technical education, the roles of government in the development of vocational education. According to federal ministry of Education (2002), vocational and technical education is any level of education in skills acquisition and technology, that is, education for making something or doing something or using something. Chapter three confined the research question, methodology, the population used in administering the questionnaire, the sample and sampling method was administers to collect and gather information on the study. Chapter four embraces the calculation of the information collected, the analysis of the questionnaire administer were worked with the use of simple percentage. Chapter five comprises the suggestion, summary, recommendation and conclusion of the study.


1.1    Background of the Study

During the 1970s, Nigeria has been facing problems of unemployment, due to the inadequate supply of trained employees by various companies in the country. Since, vocational and technical education is an aspect of education designed to prepare students for industry, agriculture, commerce, e.t.c which is usually provided at both senior secondary, tertiary levels. According to National Policy on Education (NPE), it defined vocational education as an aspect of education that leads to the acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge.

UNESCO (1973) viewed vocational and technical education as education designed to prepare skilled workers for industry, agriculture commerce etc. Which is usually provided on the upper secondary level.

Sometimes, vocational education offers re-training to up-grade workers already in employment. It is directed towards the preparation of occupational life, since its recipients are equipped to face the challenges of the world of work. Vocational and technical preparation can be equated to the acquisition of training experience that culminates in an industrial experience within work oriented society.

It entails the transmission of knowledge and acquisition of skills that are related to various occupations. It also entails the enrichment of the capabilities that influence the effective psychomotor or cognitive domains of individual in readiness for entry into the world of work in order to satisfy their intrinsic value, work goals and aspiration so that local and national needs would be met.

Technical and vocational education is essential education, which is intended to provide the skills and the manpower for industry and other engineering services required by society. Therefore, vocational education programme is designed to prepare skilled workers for industry, agriculture, commerce, e.t.c from the post secondary level. That is why the programme includes general studies, practical training for the development of skills required by the chosen occupation and related theory (Olaitan 1996). There is no doubt that technical and vocational education (TVE) plays a significant role in the socio-economic growth and development of a country. Vocation and technical education is a type of education that prepares manpower for sustainable national development it provides employable skills to reduce poverty, helped to apply, acquired knowledge and skills for scientific and technological development and advancement of the nation.

According to Smith (1991), vocational education is its broad sense refers to the training that enables one to carry on successfully a useful occupation. The definition refers to vocational education as training for useful employment in trade and industrial, agricultural, business and home making among others manpower on the hand according to Okorie (2000) could be seen an as the total supply of person available and fitted for service. This vocational education prepares manpower since according to Olaitan (1992), vocational education is a process of getting people ready and keeping them ready for the types of service we need. Vocational education is thus a sine-quanon for manpower development.

Enebe (2000) highlights the significant roles which (VTE) can play in curbing unemployment and in providing the need skilled labour for industrialization. According to Enebe (2000), “technical education stresses the engineering aspect of vocation education such as electronics, electrical, mechanical and automobile works”. Thus, both vocational education and technical education aim at developing, among others, useful skills for productive purposes. The world has become aware in recent times of the magnitude of the changes resulting form advances in and the intensive application of technology. Science and technological knowledge have become so important that today; they have replaced capital as society’s most important resources. The efficiency of the system of (VTE) of a nation is a major factor that determines its economic well being, its standard of living, its potential growth and security.



Among the problems facing Lagos as a state is unemployment which affects every citizen. This affect the educational development of Lagos, and valuable solutions to solve their problems are needed. Therefore this project intends to highlight the effect of vocational and technical education in educational development of Lagos State and particularly in Ojo Local Government Area of the State. There are many challenges worthy of noting promises made by succeeding governments to focus attention on education for the needed vocational and technical drive has not been fulfilled. Despite the fact that vocational and technical education programmed has existed more than 20 years in Nigeria, the needed facilitation of educational boom through graduate quality is farfetched. Lack of technological know how and increasing level of unemployment prompted the federal government to establish technical colleges of education and centres of excellence in some universities for creative thinking and transformation of knowledge through technological processes into wealth and broader educational bases.


          The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of vocational and technical education in educational development of Lagos state.

Vocational and technical education intends to equip the youth with necessary tools for economic advancement and educational development. This study will examine the effort already made by the government in vocational and technical education in order to improve our economy. It will also find out various vocational courses that could improve or be of important to the educational development at large.


  1. What are the skills and knowledge that the society will gain in vocational and technical education?
  2. Will vocation and technical education be a tool for employment growth?
  3. What are the problems identified in vocational and technical education programmes?


          The study shows a theoretical analysis or logical argument and the need for the theory to be verified. As a result of this, these hypothesis are drawn.

  1. The society has not achieved any progress in vocational and technical education
  2. Vocational and technical education is significantly related to employment growth
  3. Teachers’ workload might not determine vocational and technical education development.


          In the process of gathering fact and information the following problems was encountered, lack of fund, administrative bureaucracy in vocational schools which might prevent the researcher from getting genuine fact.


          The study intends to examine effects of vocational and technical education in educational development in Lagos state particularly in Ojo area of Lagos state. Technical schools should be covered in Ojo Local Government area of Lagos state. This will be done in order to keep the length of the study within the study and within the reach of the researchers.


EFFECTS: The result of a particular influence

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: The training for a specific occupation in trade or industries through a combination of theoretical teaching and practical experiences.

TECHNICAL EDUCATION: It has to do with intellectual and moral training which is connected with the execution of arts both definition overlap.

IN: Direction of (something)

EDUCATIONAL: The process of facilitating learning knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people.

DEVELOPMENT: The process of gradually becoming bigger, better, stronger or more advance.

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