Drug and Substance Abuse has been talked about worldwide and Nigeria is part of that globe. Teachers, parents and other stakeholders have been at the forefront trying to find out the causes and ways of controlling it. Therefore, there is a need to curb this vice. This study aimed at finding out what makes students abuse drugs and the effects that arise out of this practice with reference to Starehe Sub-County, Nairobi. The study also suggested measures that can be taken to control drug and substance abuse. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the extent to which parent’s sources of income influence the prevalence of drug and substance abuse; determine how location of schools influence the prevalence of drug and substance abuse; establish the extent to which school administration influences the prevalence of drug and substance abuse; establish how peer pressure influences abuse; investigate how drug abuse among secondary school students determine their academic achievement. The target population was 6 secondary schools. The sample consisted of one hundred and eighty students, six guidance and six principals. Simple random sampling was used to select the students. Data was collected using questionnaires. The data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software programme and presented using both qualitative and descriptive methods such as frequencies and percentages and presented as tables and figures. It was established that most students are driven into taking drugs by peer pressure. Poor performance is the greatest effect of drug abuse among drug taking students. The researcher recommended that all stakeholders be involved in curriculum review and reform to address drug abuse related issues and guidance and counselling sessions enhanced in changing student behaviour.




Title                                                                                         Page

Title Page                                                                                 i

Certification                                                                             ii

Dedication                                                                               iii

Acknowledgement                                                                             iv

Abstract                                                                                   v

Table of Contents                                                                     vi


  • Background of the study 1
  • Statement of problems 4
  • Purpose of study 5
  • Objectives of the study 5
  • Research questions                     5
  • Research hypothesis 6
  • Scope and delimitation of the study 6
  • Limitation of the study 6
  • Significance of the study                              7


2.1     Concept of Islamic Education                                         8

2.2     Historical Origin of Islamic Education in Nigeria            9

2.3     Concept of Drug                                                             11

2.4     Historical Perspective of Drug  s                                     11

2.5     Classification of Drugs                                                    13

2.6     Effects of Drug on ones social interaction                       15

2.7     Health problems associated with Drug Abuse                  16

2.8     Reasons why some Muslim youths engage in Drug Abuse        16

2.9     Factors influencing Drug Abuse                                      19

2.10   Influence of Drugs on mental Health                               20

2.11   Religious implication of drugs                                        21


3.1     Research methodology                                                    23

3.2     Population of the study                                                   23

3.3     Sampling procedure                                                        23

3.4     Research Design                                                             24

3.5     Research Instrument                                                       24

3.6     Method of Data collection                                              24

3.7     Method of Data Analysis                                                          25

3.8     Validation of Instrument                                                25

3.9     Reliability of Instrument                                                 26


4.1     Introduction                                                                             27

4.2     Demographic data of students                                         29

4.3     Family background                                                         30

4.4     Commonly Abused Drugs                                              32

4.6     Causes of Drug Abuse in Schools                                   34

4.7     Prevalence of Drug and substance Abuse in Schools       39

4.8     Effects of Drug Abuse in Schools on participation in learning     41


5.1     Introduction                                                                             46

5.2     Summary                                                                       46

5.3     Conclusion                                                                     48

5.4     Recommendation                                                           49

5.5     Suggestions for further Research                                     50

References                                                                                51

Appendix 1                                                                              57

Appendix 2                                                                              65






According to world Health Organization W.H.O (2002:3) incidence of drug abuse “is a worldwide health problem which has even been identified”. Again, taken to consideration the huge and increasing alarming rate of records, crime and violence which are often in Nigeria as a result of excessive drug intake on the part of the Muslim youths, certainly, urgent solution to the problem is required because of the high value placed on human life by God, the creator as well as human being who value lives.

Brooks and Brooks (2002:30 1) defined drug “as a substance used to treat illness, protect against diseases and promote better health “. However, a drug is any chemical or biological substance, synthetic or non-synthetic, that when taken into the organisms body will in some way affect the functions of the organism. The broad definition can be taken to include such substance as food. But then, more strict application of the word “drug” prevails in everyday life. In these cases, the word “drug” is usually used to refer specifically to medicine, Vitamins, entheogenic sacraments, consciousness expanding or recreational drugs.

Many natural substances such as beer, wine, and some Mushroom, local gins such as Ogogoro, Opaeyin, herbal mixture, Paraga, e.t.c, blur the line between food and drugs as when ingested, they affect the functioning of both mind and body respectively.

The word “drug” is etymologically derived from the Dutch/German word “droog” which means “drug”, so Nwegbu (1999:42-43) gives two conditions under which drugs are to be tagged. Misused or abused, namely.

  1. Obtaining drugs illegally or legally and misusing them.
  2. Self-administration of drugs rather than medical personnel administration. Drug abuse commonly leads to drug dependence, which is a condition whereby the user has compelling desire to continue taking drugs either to experience it effects or avoid the discomfort of its absence.

Investigating the reasons for the drugs abuse among selected Muslim youths is way of solving the problems of drugs abuse among them because every problem to which the root cause is found is definitely half-solved.

No doubt, Muslim youths have their reasons for engaging themselves in drugs abuse, since there is no effect without a cause just as there is no smoke without fire. Thus, there is strong connection between cause and effect.

Moreover knowing the reasons why Muslim youths involve themselves in drugs abuse will help a lot in finding solution to the problems associated with drugs abuse among this category of our population. The problems include psychological, negative effects of drugs abuse, violence and crimes, mental illness, physical dullness among others. In as much as there is strong relationship between causes arid effects since nothing occurs without a cause, under normal circumstances in the real sense. Thus, what we human beings call abnormality or refer to abnormal occurrences are merely seemed so, so called or referred to be so, because, they are all as a result or consequence of omission or commission of one thing or the other somewhere or somehow, sometime due to imperfect nature of human beings as well as the entire world, and also due to negligence, carelessness, ignorance or any other means either artificially or naturally. No gainsaying the fact that there is always a reason behind every action or occurrence the question whether the reason is tenable, genuine, valid, good or bad is another matter subject to further query, debate or investigation to prove its tenability genuineness, validity or moral justification.

Certainly, there have been remarkable changes in human attitudes to psycho active drugs in Western societies over the years. As a matter of fact, what was considered safe and beneficial in one era often comes to be seen or viewed as an evil scourge to a later generation. Nowhere is this more obvious and glaring than in the role that opium had played in British history. Imported as important trade commodity from Turkey and India, opium was widely used in all strata of British society in the eighteen and nineteen centuries respectively.

For the poor sought solace from the miseries of their daily lives, working mothers used opium containing “Cordials” to calm their children. While they went out to work, middle-cIass house wives used laudanum (an alcoholic extract of opium) to calm their nerves, and artists too sought inspiration from it. In the same vein, the literary movement in Europe known as the Romantic Revival relied extensively on opium to free the users from flights of fantasy and imagination and included such figures, as schiegel, Madame de steal, and push kin, in continental Europe as well as Byron in British.

The need to recognize the causes and effects i.e. the reasons for and
consequences of drugs abuse among few selected Islamic studies students in senior secondary school students with a view to finding lasting solution to the problems of drugs abuse among students has prompted the researcher to investigate into the reasons for drugs abuse among selected Islamic studies students in Ojo local government. The researcher believes that the reasons behind the problems in question are accurately identified, (i.e the cause of the problem) definitely, valid prevention and solution to the problems are quite possible and achievable.



There has been heated debate from officials and public cycles trying to establish the root cause of the persistent poor academic performance. It is speculated that students academic performance becomes affected when they start using drugs which have negative effects on academic performance such as missing class, failure in exams, negative attitude to school and waves of school unrest. Therefore this study sought to investigate influence of drug use on academic performance among Islamic studies students in senior Secondary schools in Ojo Local Government.


The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of drug use on academic performance of senior secondary school students in Ojo Local Government.


The study is guided by the following objectives:-

  1. To identify the effects of drug use on academic performance among Islamic studies students in senior secondary school in Ojo Local Government.
  2. To establish whether drug use affect student discipline and interest in learning of Islamic studies in senior secondary schools in Ojo local government.


  1. What are the socio-religious effects of drug use on Islamic studies student’s academic performance in senior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government?
  2. What are the effects of drug use on students discipline and interest in learning of Islamic studies in senior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government?


  1. There is no significant difference between academic performance of students who abuse drugs and students and those who do not.
  2. There is no significant difference between the discipline and interest of student in learning of Islamic studies by students who use drugs and those who do not.

1.7     SCOPE OF THE STUDY         

The study will be conducted in Ojo local Government of Lagos state, Nigeria. The study will involve only public secondary school students. Senior secondary school class II and III will be targeted. This is because they have been in the schools for a longer period of time hence they may have knowledge on drug use. The focus will be on the socio-religious effects of drug use on academic performance of Senior secondary school students in Islamic studies.

1.8      LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY         

Students may not give genuine information because of fear. This is because drug use is illegal and therefore students may fear being victimized. The other notable limitation was the generalization of the anticipated findings of the study since the study involved purposive sampling which would not allow results to be generalized to all schools, both private and public. Another major limitation is that, it may be very difficult to ascertain the accurate population for this study, for Islamic studies is a choice subject in senior secondary schools in Nigeria. The limitation of this study may also include time and financial constraints.


This research will be of utmost benefits to students and authority of schools, state educational districts and ministry, parents and all other stakeholders in educational sector especially teachers of Islamic studies and other subject teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria and beyond. Moreso, the paper will be relevant to those who will want to carry out a similar research topic as it will contribute to the existing literature. Finally, the paper will be relevance to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and other relevant bodies in combating drug abuse and addiction in our secondary schools.

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