The research project aimed to examine the Educational Policy of Government Babatunde Raji Fashola of Lagos State in Nigeria between 2007 to 2011. The study looked at various literature to study the development of policies on education within Nigeria and the effects of the public decision-making in public policy and educational development in Nigeria. The work of Babatunde Fashola in the field of education within Lagos State was also considered. Five hundred participants were surveyed for the study. A simple random sampling technique was employed to determine the population targeted for the study. The questionnaires were the primary instrument used to collect data. The instrument was based on three Likert scale points of Agreed, Undecided, Disagreed and Agreed, to which the respondents were expected to respond. A non-parametric method of chi-square statistics for data analysis was employed to test the research hypothesis. The findings show how Governor Raji Fashola has done an immense amount of work to increase and improve the level of Education standards across Lagos State.




This study studies the role of public policy and its impact on the growth of the education system in Nigeria. Because education cannot thrive in isolation, it is a requirement to study it.

Education is a method of achieving society’s goals. It is the primary element of any society; This is why this policy National Policy on education (1998) states that educational institutions in Nigeria are an instrument of excellent for bringing about the development of the nation. It also emphasizes its superiority by stating that education should remain highly rated in national development plans since education is the most significant tool for change. Any fundamental shift in any society’s mental and social perspective needs to be followed by an education change. (NPE 1998, p. 8) It is a continuous process from the beginning to beyond the grave (Oshindeyi, 2004). Education is the development of mental strength or character. The purpose of education is to impart native skills to society, which can accelerate the growth of economics. Education aims to remove the psychological and cultural dependence due to the colonial educational system and improve its effectiveness (Osiyelu, 2004).).

Oshindeyi (2004) declared that education could be divided into two major types, which are informal and formal. Formal education is gained through the systematic study of instruction. On the other hand, informal education is derived from day-to-day interactions at home and within the immediate environment.

The development of educational policies across all levels in Nigeria ensures no decline in education standards, even though the quality of education has been slashed in the last 15 – 16 years. Education is a tool for building structures and development in the country. Education is considered an important catalyst to improve progress and development; This is why nations around the globe, both developed and developing, handle this issue with attention to detail.

In Nigeria, both the federal, state and local governments consider the provision of education for their citizens of paramount importance. The reason is that education promotes development by helping and maintaining individual survival growth, development overall and effectiveness (Titus as well as Oduale 2009)

UNESCO (2008) Panel report noted that education is the main factor in development. Education gives society the power and determination it requires to confront the biggest issue facing them in the present, which is the growing gap in economic inequality across nations. Education, however, is largely something that is often degraded by social, economic and cultural disconnection that it is trying to conquer. In reality, it requires the leadership of a nation, a commitment to national policy and an enthralling alliance of the society in support of education for all to use the enormous potential of education in societal advancement.

The growth of any community or nation depends on the level of education provided by a nation. Government decisions affect the quality of education, and the degree of education is the determining factor in the nation’s growth. There is a general belief that the foundation of any real development has to begin with improving human capital. There is a belief that formal education is the primary vehicle for socio-economic growth and social mobilization. Like every other emerging nation, Nigeria has experienced prolonged military and civilian administration that required the issuance of decrees and edicts governing education practices at different levels of the Government. The inconsistent administration because of coup d’etat diminished the consistency in applying laws and policies governing education in the 1970s until today; This eventually laid the foundation of a declining standard in the education system at elementary and secondary school levels ( Akande, 2005).

But, in this backdrop, it is imperative to say it is the case that Lagos State Administration over the period has the capacity made available to provide education to all citizens, especially at the secondary and primary school levels. Administrations like BABATUNDE RAJI FASHOLA have gone far in bringing the benefits of democracy back to the masses by implementing educational policies. The research will look into the educational activities of Lagos State under the leadership of Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola’s administration.


Countries in the developing world like Nigeria and Nigeria and Western planning for development consider education as an important tool to promote socio-economic development and modernization. Wanted changes in literacy or attitude and values and skills are achieved through the process of education. Through education, the country can perpetuate and expand the culture of its people. From a person’s perspective, education is the act of “bringing out” or developing one’s abilities and passion; this is a fundamental right available to every human being.

However, to a great extent, education in Nigeria isn’t as good as the quality expected from it due to nepotism, corruption, favouritism, discrimination, prejudices, corruption and a lack of a proper track record in the educational sector. The Babatunde Raji-Fashola administration in Lagos State has improved the educational status of the state by making education accessible to every Logician. However, the absence of institutional and constitutional accountability in the form of a shortage of qualified personnel and a poor structure for salary corrupt educational planners and implementers, which has caused a lack of infrastructure for schools in Lagos state. The state has been unable to put education in the spotlight. Schools located in Lagos State are in bad condition. With deteriorating buildings, teachers strike because of the non-payment of their salaries when due and other benefits are causes of the issues facing the Lagos, the state’s Governor.



This research aims to discover what public policies impact the growth of education by using the role played by Governor Babatunde Raji Fassila’s administration in the improvement of state education through the different educational interventions that have been put into the state.

The aim of this study can be summarized as follows:

To study the significance of education policies in Lagos state

To determine the degree of development in education in Lagos state

To study the impact on the non-payment of teacher salaries at the time they are they are due.

To study the impact of teaching resources not available on the state of education in Lagos state.

To propose solutions to the previously identified issues based on the findings.



As a guideline for the research, The below research hypotheses were proposed:

There is no connection between educational corruption and corruption.

There is no major distinction between the Government’s public policy and the decisions of the Government.

There is no major distinction between education policy and the development of education.

There isn’t any significant correlation between falling standards of education and the development of educational standards.


The study will shed light on and expose the numerous mistakes inherent in the different education policy initiatives in the state that require urgent action to rectify them. It will emphasize the efforts of the state government to improve the quality of education within Lagos State. It will help the educational planners and implementers within the state to move quickly, particularly the state ministry of education, to take a stand and accept its obligation to provide quality education to the masses. It will examine the public policy that affects education development and policy on education. It also involves looking at the implications of education policies and recommending strategies that can aid in education development.


This study is restricted to Lagos State concerning Babatunde Raji Fashola’s administration between 2007 and 2011. The study’s delimitation was five districts of the education system within the state, which includes all stakeholders in education. The districts include:








To improve understanding and efficiency of the research conducted, it is imperative that some of the grammatical words used in the study be formally explained:

Public The Public context is linked to Government and its services. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary new 8th Edition Page 1184)

Policy It is a policy that is negotiated or approved by the public authority (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary – New 8 8 Edition 1131)

Education This is regarded as the underlying factor in the social world that assists people find meaning in the world around them as well as being able to influence the environment to benefit themselves (Nigerian Education: Present, Past and the Future, written by Lawal M.B (PhD)

Development: A process of social, economic, political and cultural change directed towards realizing change (Academic’s Dictionary of Political Science by A.K . Chaturvedi Page 84).