Amon Gus German Author-Who Is He?

who is amon gus?

Everything We Know About Amon Gus

Amon Gus quickly becomes one of the most prolific thriller and mystery authors. Who is Amon Gus, and where do his origins lie? Having read his latest book, may have a basic understanding of Amon; however, do know who he is or where he is from? To truly get to know Amon is to know where he came from. Amon was born into an upper-middle-class family in Hamburg in, Germany. However, this is not the way Amon became such an amazing writer. Amon did not even start writing until he turned 30 years old.

This age may be considered a bit late for some, but it is just right at the right time for others! When he was 30 years old, Amon established himself as a highly successful banker working for Deutsche Bank (Germany’s largest bank). However, after deciding to quit his highly lucrative work with Deutsche Bank to pursue writing full-time, things started to take off for him in minutes. The debut novel was published within two years and was a hugely popular read with readers from all over Europe. Since then, he has not been back! He writes now full-time and does not plan on slowing down any time soon. Read below our exclusive interview to find out more details about Amon and all we have learned about him.

Quick Facts Amon Gus German Author

Amon is the child of two parents who loved him in Berlin, Germany. The father of the family was a renowned novelist. His family lived in Paris, France and later relocated to New York City before settling in Brooklyn, where he has a wife and three kids. His parents are still in Paris. He enjoys spending time with his friends. He enjoys travelling, especially when he can go to London, where he began dating German model and actress Rachel Smits after attending a prestigious fashion show hosted by Bossini France in which both modelled. They got married in 2010 and welcomed their first child one year later. The couple also has two kids from their previous marriages, which Amon adopted. Amon writes under various pen names, including Andrew Cane, Marcus Milton, Lucas Frost, and Peter Johnson. However, Amon has only published his books in his name; This is why people tend to believe he is Amon Gus rather than one of his various pseudonyms.


Personal Life Of Amon Gus, German Author

Amon Gus is described as a highly private person, and this is not shocking considering that his works have focused on corruption in the police. Actually, besides some basic facts about his life (age and whereabouts), There is nothing we can say concerning Amon or even a hint of how he came to be fascinated by writing. We know about his past through an interview conducted with an unnamed source that is said to be an intimate acquaintance of his. While it is unclear whether these assertions are accurate, what we have about Amon’s family portrays an image of an unhappy man who had very few close family members. First, Amon was raised by two parents who were not married and only met when Amon was in the womb. Amon’s father resigned before he was born, and his mother passed away shortly after Amon reached 18. After her passing, Amon moved out of her house and started living alone. According to our source, Amon was not in contact with any family members from or near his family for the duration of his life. When asked why he cut off contact with family members, the source said he does not like people.


Career Of Amon Gus, German Author

Amon Luiz de Matos Gomes was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil on July 21st March 1934. Gomes moved to Germany at 13 due to his father’s work as a diplomat. He did not complete high school and journeyed across Europe after completing his Baccalaureate. Amon began writing from a young age writing poems and short stories even while living in Brazil. When he moved from Brazil to Germany, Amon wrote books under the pseudonym (Amon Gus). Amon has written over forty books since his move. Amon’s work has been translated into various languages, such as English, French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. Apart from being an author, Amon is also an editor for various newspapers like Die Zeit and Sueddeutsche Zeitung. His writing has appeared in numerous magazines such as Der Spiegel , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , The New York Times , The Guardian , Vanity Fair , Le Monde , L’Express , La Repubblica and many more.



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Books Written By Amon Gus German Author

Amon is the author of three additional books, including Random Targets, No One’s Angel, and Lydia Where Are You been? Random Targets, released on the 9th of September 2009, was his debut book. He followed that with a book entitled”No One’s Angel. He is since stopped writing. The most recent book was published in 2011 and was titled Lydia Where Are You? He has sold more than one million copies of his works. If you are interested in reading one of his works, they can be purchased from various stores online, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The price of the books ranges from $7-to 10 dollars, depending on the retailer you buy the book from. However, prices can differ by retailer. For instance, one can find two editions of an author’s book available for sale at different prices on Amazon. It is because there are used and new versions for sale. If purchasing a secondhand version is usually less expensive than purchasing a brand new copy, and if the budget is tight, buying used can help save money! There are no audio versions of the books for sale, so if audiobooks appeal to you, they might not be his most ideal choice when looking for something similar.


Awards won

It is unclear how many literary prizes Amon G. has won for his work. However, it is reported that he has written nearly 70 books since his first publication of an original novel back in 2003. However, nobody knows the identity of his creator or where he comes from. There are a few mysteries about his identity and origins, like most writers. Numerous reports claim he was an old medical student working on a dissertation when he was inspired to write after being ill with bronchitis. However, there has never been proof of the assertions. Also, no one has managed to contact him directly, or at least not publicly. He manages to maintain an active online presence that helps to compensate for the absence in physical appearance. He regularly posts updates about his life on Facebook and Twitter, but the posts do not reveal much about himself or the projects he is currently working on. He also has an active website with some information about himself and the links to purchase all of his books.

Additionally, he provides hyperlinks to other websites where readers can review his books and buy copies of his books. Also, please find out more about him by watching some of his interviews on the internet (although a German usually conducts them). While we do not be able to pinpoint exactly who Amon G is. However, we do know what motivates him and the things that keep him motivated!

According to Amazon, Amon G’s most recent award was for his book 2015, The Revolving Door. Reviews praised the book for its accuracy and unique views on abuse within families of immigrants. The readers were impressed with its unique approach, which concentrates on women suffering from domestic violence in other countries.