This project was carried out to compare the conventional teaching methods and Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Schools. In the course of study, some questionnaire constructed and administered based on the research hypotheses. Data was collected using random sampling techniques. Hence this work discussed the comparative of study conventional teaching and Computer Assisted Instruction in some selected secondary in Ifako/Ijaiye Local Government. The study was based on collection of data and its analysis. Two hypotheses were formulated. The first examine the relationship between Computer Assisted Instruction and student academic performance.





Title                                                                                                                             i

Certification                                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                    iv

Table of Content                                                                                                       vi

Abstract                                                                                                                     ix


Chapter One

1.0       Introduction                                                                                                  1

1.1       Background to the study                                                                             1

1.2       Statement of the problem                                                                           4

1.3       Purpose of the study                                                                                    5

1.4       Significant of the study                                                                                5

1.5       Research Questions                                                                                      6

1.6       Research Hypotheses                                                                                   6

1.7       Scope of the study                                                                                        7

1.8       Limitation of the study                                                                                8

1.9       Definition of Terms                                                                                       9

Chapter Two

2.0       Literature Review                                                                                          10

2.1       Factor to Be Consider In Using A Teaching Method                                 11

2.2       Types of Teaching Methods for Computer Science                                  15

2.3       Definitions of Computer                                                                              27

2.4       Brief History Development of Computer System                                     28

2.5       Use Of Computer In Education                                                                    30


Chapter Three

3.0       Research Methodology                                                                                36

3.1       Research Design                                                                                            36

3.2       Population                                                                                                     36

3.3       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                36

3.4       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                   37

3.5       Validation of Instrument                                                                             37

3.6       Reliability of Instrument                                                                              38

3.7       Method of Data Collection                                                                          38

3.8.      Method of Data Analysis                                                                             38


Chapter Four

4.0       Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings                                                  39

4.1       Presentation and Analysis                                                                           39

4.2       Discussion of Findings                                                                                  44


Chapter Five

5.0       Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations                                        46

5.1       Summary                                                                                                       46

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                     47

5.3       Recommendation                                                                                         48

References                                                                                                                 51

Appendices                                                                                                                53





1.1      Background to the Study

Education as a process, has teaching as one of its parts and it is as old as man. Its main business is to develop an individual stalls, competences and intellectual capabilities which will enable them to live effectively in a complex society like Nigeria. Teaching aids learning which result into a change in the behaviour of an individual. Teaching can be regarded as the organization of learning. The problem of a successful teaching is too organize for authentic result (2007) to them (Sadiku S.O and Ogidan E.M).

Teacher should be judged by result that last cons and which a learner can actually use in his life. Result of a good teaching should therefore enter the personality of the learners, shape his mental development, affect his thinking and influence his action. Good teaching is democratic hence, the teacher needs to provide for individual differences in the classroom.

Success in teaching depends largely on the teachers ability to provide positive reinforcement, maintain appropriate discipline, inspire interest in the subject matter, present an existing and challenging lesson, use appropriate logic diction and a pleasant tone of voice exhibit warmth and hunour provide a bright and cheerful classroom.

Therefore, the primary task of a teacher is to teach, so the question now is how do we measure the effectiveness of a teacher with regards to the dissemination of knowledge? A needless say is not to judge effectively if he merely carries in his mental luggage, a mass of theoretical information about the content of the subject matter. Rather it should be considered effectively if he is able to convey information, ideas and knowledge to learners in such an effective manner that learning is produced. Although processing a mastery of the content is one of them.

How is it taught to achieve the stated objective is most crucial. The means adopted by a teacher to transfer knowledge to learner is known as a method, the contemporary classroom teacher is adequately equipped with a variety of teaching methods to enable him achieve his pedagogical objectives. Given that abundance surplus of method, a teacher is faced with problem of choice. The fact of the matter is that a teachers’ method is influential by a member of variable which makes it mandatory for a teacher to weight carefully the relative strength and weakness of the various methods adopted in lesson.

The most appropriate method of teaching in a particular topic, a teacher must take into cognizance a number of factors. Prominent among these according to Oladipo (2002) are the nature of learner, the nature of the subject, the objective of the lesson, the timing of the lesson, the environment of setting, the teacher’s performance, the availability of equipment and so on with the view above, the researcher sought to work at these various teaching method that are considered conventional and the new scientific method of teaching that is associated with the use of computer. The nature of education as a subject or discipline is dynamic and it has to do with the latest method of teaching. Despite the use of computer for information in discrete subject for quite some time now. It application to education instruction has not been adequately encouraged, since the advent of education about centuries ago in the western world. It has began to spread to other parts of the world especially African which called for new method of instruction. Therefore, the project method (activities method) where children were no longer passive receiver of fact but looking up and engrossing themselves in discovery and busy activities were advocated.

In Nigeria, however, emphases was placed on innovative instructional strategies including inquiry method, problem solving method, stimulation games, dramatization, discussion, creative activities methods value clarification method, public controversial issue method and exposing method.

Furthermore, computer instruction or programmed instruction as been around for quite long ago, not many (Nigerian) educators have been educated for these innovative strategies to be employed in the educational system.


1.2      Statement of the Problem

It is believed that current method of teaching in educational system does not provide meaningful and effective cognitive learning. The various curricular innovations that have been used in most discipline need to be explored in educational system.

Besides, many investigation has been carried out in the methodology of teaching and learning. This question arises that what is the appropriate method of teaching that a teacher use to be effective and make learning meaningful to the learners. The fact remains that there is no methodology that is not good but it all depends on the teacher to adopt such that will be helpful in his teaching and that will make such learning meaningful to the student which will make them work at their own pace.

To this end, it is expected that a comparative study is needed to find out if there is any relationship between the use of this conventional teaching method in our educational system and the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). Since computer has taken over all sphere of life including education, therefore it is expected that computer usage in educational system will help in the improvement of our educational system.


1.3      Purpose of the Study

The study is a comperation of conventional teaching method and Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and was conducted to achieve the following goals.

  1. To determine the impact of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on the academic performance of students.
  2. To determine the difference in the sex of student in the usage of Computer Assisted Instruction.
  • To determine the contribution of computer assisted instruction in the effective teaching and learning process.


1.4      Research Question

The following research questions were asked:

  1. Is there be any significant relationship between the usage of computer assisted instruction and student academic performance?
  2. Is there any significant relationship between the male and female taught with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI).


1.5      Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses shall be considered for this study:

  1. There will be no significant relationship between the usage of computer assisted instruction and student academic performance.
  2. There will be no significant relationship between the male and female taught with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI).


1.6      Significance of the Study

The careful selection and skillful use of the conventional methods and Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) are imperative to effective teaching and learning in our secondary school level. This underscores the importance of methods of teaching and CAI in the teaching process.

This research will assist government primary and secondary schools administrators with the hope of achieving sustainability in school, to improve the method of teaching in educational system and retirement of trained man power for encouragement – the secondary school level in addition, it will:

  1. Create an awareness on the part of the teacher, that teaching and learning activities – the classroom can be effectively enhanced by the adoption of the right and relevant teaching method.
  2. Enable the student enhances right attitude towards several aspects of schooling in computer assisted instructions.
  3. Enable the curriculum planner and developers to assist teacher in improving their teaching method programme through the use of computer assisted instruction. This is necessary since the effectiveness of the curriculum lies largely in the ability it is been used.


1.7      Limitation of the Study

The research finding has some limitation’s that have effect in order to cover a wide scope. These include:-

  1. The topic can only be carried out in restricted school due to the extensive nature of the state in which it is undertaken.
  2. Most computer trained are been handled by some non-professional individual that are not capable to train the trainees.
  • It is only limited to only primary school and junior secondary school.
  1. Time is another constraint, the research will be limited to some school to save time.

However, the limitation not withstanding, it is hoped that the findings of the study will be easier for both the teacher and the pupils to adjust where need.

The individual difference in student and family background may also influence the result of the study therefore, the writing is based on the available textbooks in the libraries, oral interview and personal experiences during the teaching practice exercise.


1.8      Scope of the Study

This project covers the various teaching methods and Computer Assisted Instruction in some selected secondary schools. Since various teaching method from part of teaching and learning situation. It is an aspect that the researcher is familiar with but because of the time constraint and financial handicap, the study is limited to selected schools in Ifako-Ijayi Local Government Educational District of Lagos State.




1.9      Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in research work:

Method – is defined as a overall strategies, processes means and techniques employed by a teacher to enable him achieve his objectives.

Method of teaching – refers to the instructional strategies designed and adopted by the teacher to facilitates teaching on his part and on the part of the student.

Computer Managed Instruction – refers to organize student date and make instructional decisions or to activities in which the computer evaluates student test performance guides them to appropriate instructional resources and keep record of their process.

Learning process – can be interpreted to mean changes in behaviour (knowledge, skills, habit, thoughts, sentiments) which is brought about through interaction with the environment.

Computer Based Instruction – are the broadest term and refer to eventually any kind of computer used in educational setting including drill and practice, tutorials, simulations, instructional management, supplementary exercises, programming, date development, writing using word processors and applications.

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