The study focused focussed on the effects of using the team-based learning approach to teach and learn Mathematics at the Senior Secondary School in the Ojo Local Government Area. The total number of students who participated in the research. Three hypotheses were examined at a significant level of 0.05 with the student-to-test statistic. The results showed that group-based learning has an impact on student performance. Additionally, there was a substantial impact of learning through teamwork on both girls and boys who were taught using the method even though girls’ performance is higher than that of boys due to more seriousness among girls than boys. Based on the hypothesis that the private pupils also performed superior to the public. The study provided various strategies and principles to assist students in performing better in math classes. It also gives strategies that teachers could employ to encourage and boost students’ performance in mathematics classes. The reason and suggestion were directed toward the government, teachers, students, and the education department. If implemented in mathematics education, we hope that the idea will lead to positive changes in the way mathematics is taught in secondary schools.



Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv-v

Abstract vi

Table of Content vii-ix CHAPTER ONE

1.0 Background of Study 1-7

1.1 Objectives of Study 7-8

1.2 Statement of the Problem 8

1.3 Purpose of Study 8

1.4 Research Questions 9

1.5 Significance of Study 9-10

1.6 Scope and Limitation 10


2.0 Introduction 11-12

2.1 Principle of Teaching (Method) & Learning 12-14

2.2 Integrating Team-Based Learning for Effective

Teaching & Learning of Mathematics 14-15

2.3 Organizing the Use of Team-Based Learning in Mathematics 15-16

2.4 Methods by which team-based Learning provides Opportunities

For Students Learning Mathematics 16-17

2.5 Importance of the Use Team-Based Learning 17

2.6 Challenges in Team-Based Learning & Their Solution 17-20


3.0 Introduction 21

3.1 Research Design 21

3.2 Population of Study 21

3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique 21

3.4 Research Instrument 22

3.5 Validity of the Instrument 22

3.6 Reliability of the Instrument 22

3.7 Administration of the Instrument & Data Collection 22

3.8 Data Analysis 23


4.0 Introduction 24-27

4.1 Testing of Hypotheses 27-29


5.0 Introduction 30

5.1 Discussion of the Results 30-32

5.2 Conclusion 32

5.3 Recommendation 32-34







1.0 Background of the Study

Mathematics is among the most popular subjects offered in the schools. The impact of mathematics can be seen practically everywhere one could imagine. Teachers, the government and experts across various fields place much attention on mathematics due to its application within the Nations. The technological advancement and daily life of a man. This realization led the Nigerian government to mandate the subject for all students in secondary schools.

Mathematics can be described as a structured system of knowledge where every proposition is deduced from prepositions that have been proven previously or prepositions or assumptions, or even anxious Gauss named mathematics the queen of all the sciences. Bell (1951) said that it was a handmaid for science. From this, the author of (2009) Osafeyinti said mathematics is the queen and the servant, chief, and servant in all services. In (2010) stated that we must build a society composed that is composed of women and men who can handle the complexities of everyday life with an objective view and with a rationale over their current circumstances; significant importance must be given to the education and learning of mathematics at the primary to the national level of the education system. Only then can we see men who have a disciplined evaluation of themselves concerning learning within the community.

Bryan Thwaites (1966) asserted that mathematics is now technological societies’ most important intellectual discipline. He also stated that, as society grows quantitatively, it will take on greater importance and influence over its qualitative aspects.

The significance of maths in today’s society or a developing country can not be understated. It is the bridge between humanistic and scientific-educational. It teaches the student the capacity to adjust to the changing environment and offers opportunities to improve their manipulative abilities that allow him/her to be a productive members of society, despite their capabilities. The importance of maths in everyday activities like selling and buying cannot be overemphasized in technological advancement and the application of mathematical abilities and knowledge for professions like Astronomy, Navigation, Surveying, Geology, Communication Technology, Chemistry, e.t.c.

The importance of mathematics in medicine can be observed in the research by Ayeni and Akinrele (2009), who have created models of blood flow in the arteries to help explain the causes of sickle cell anaemia. Historians are also discovering mathematical strategies “Climoterieces” as a brand of historical research that applies statistical techniques to analyze archival information and uses that employ mathematical modalities to aid in explaining and generalising the historical patterns. Thus, a thorough understanding of the applications and significance of mathematics to students and teachers can go a long way in stimulating learning and teaching and will boost students’ academic performance.

Based on the points above, it is evident that mathematics is an essential aspect of our lives and the primary task of teachers is to prove that math is an integral part of our lives and is relevant to the real world, not just an abstract, useless brain-troubling subject that students perceive it.

The mathematics education provided by the state in Nigeria is not anything noteworthy. The state-by-state breakdown across the country has deplorable math teacher conditions, defective equipment and teaching aids, and a poor curriculum that is common in all states. Language has been recognized as a particular issue affecting the mathematics field and mathematics in Benue, Kaduna and Plateau reported in the official reports and address of April 1990, published in 1990 by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The state of affairs impacts how mathematics is taught in the instruments across all levels of education.

Many students have low motivation and do poorly at school and external exams. Fear of mathematics and the notion that it is difficult, even from the beginning of primary school, and that math is only for gifted students who cannot succeed in math. This is unfortunate. Students’ negative attitude towards the subject is not true; rather, it may have arisen from the fact that some students do not put any significant effort into their studies in general and in the subject of mathematics specifically. This is the case even when they are enrolled on secondary school and on to other higher education institutions.

The statistical analysis shows that the main issue facing Nigeria currently is the expansion and advancement of mathematics. To achieve our aim of self-reliance. There is a need for broad dissemination of mathematics education with technological and scientific advancements.

Mathematical pedagogy has been traditionally described by lecture-style material presentation, accompanied by a negative impact of practical courses. Although this presentation format allows large-scale material coverage, it fails to address many of the educational concerns that have grown in popularity in the last decade. One of the main problems is a lack of innovative decision-making and the use of collective wisdom and experience to tackle new and challenging issues. The hallmark indicators are the lack of interpersonal communication skills and the resistance to a collaborative workplace. Both the business world and academia have realized that the real benefits of cooperative learning stem from synergistic relationships and a common commitment to achieving greater goals.

Using team-based learning in mathematics, which provides students guidance and opportunities to teach each other, is an effective method of raising expectations for all students and creating an atmosphere of support when students engage in learning. It can be both a cognitive and an effective change in the method of approaching the learning process for both participants. Hierarchy is dismantled, and learners view the relationship as a collaborative learning experience. There is more likelihood of a clear response and the freedom to restrict deference, allowing students to stretch the boundaries of their knowledge. Teaching cooperation in the professional responsibility class is particularly suitable for traditional legal education and teaches students to be competitive and independent. Rules that prevent students from working collaboratively to think it is standard practice for all; each person is to himself. While it is true that there is a need to acknowledge the responsibility that attorneys have in their law practice and the degree of competition, there could be between clients or on cases however it is not the case that attorneys do not collaborate in the majority of attorney practices within firms, in which the increase the workload is divided among attorneys as well as other professionals. The concept of team-based learning was a teaching method that was developed in the course of Professor Larry Michael Sen in response to a sudden and drastic increase in the number of his organizational behaviour and business management classes. He wanted to keep the same degree of engagement for students and the ability to perform critical thinking that he and his students were able to experience in his smaller seminar discussions. He created a method to create a comprehensive course that he designed and taught one of the leaders of team-based learning scholarship. They describe the method as a unique form of learning collaboratively using a specific sequence of personal activities, group projects and immediate feedback. This creates an environment of motivational learning that makes students hold one another accountable for coming to class and participating in the discussion. Therefore, our government at both the Federal, State and local level should be considering this strategy of team-based learning in the educational sector, in all its implications considering that we live in an age of technology where we can look through your eyes and hear and feel without our muscles and view the world from our electronic files. But, team-based learning strategies should be considered in schools to improve school and medical science and mathematics.

Our governments must pay greater focus on the benefits of group-based learning in education, e.g. mathematics. The quality of the performance in mathematics at the annual senior school certificate exams (SSCE) is declining each year. The chief examiners ‘ report (2007-2011) on the student’s performance in mathematics shows a general lack of performance. In one report, it was noted that the candidates are performing poorly due to poor preparation for the papers. Other than the issues highlighted in the previous paragraphs, students’ poor performance in mathematics has generally been blamed on the dull and boring way the subject is presented in school. Numerous studies and research have revealed that a negative mindset towards the study of mathematics leads to poor performance by students in various subjects. Because of the essential importance of mathematics to the development of a country, it is essential to educate all citizens about the nature, significance and role of mathematics. The examination board decided on the supervision, direction, and development of mathematics education throughout the entire year in Nigeria.

The resulting issue of impersonation leaks and a lack of dedication to marking has made many of the examinations held by these organizations insecure.

Statistics show that Nigeria’s main issue in the rapid expansion and growth of Mathematical Science is the lack of qualified personnel. This is why we must achieve our goal of self-reliance.

The primary reason behind employing the format of smaller groups used in previous years and the format of team-based learning in the current year was to increase the practical application of the materials. In addition, increasing the practical application will lead to a rise in long-term retention. The effect of this method in determining transfer (i.e. performance in the following clinical pharmacokinetics course) was studied using examination grade as the main metric.

Another option to address the inadequate performance of students in secondary school in mathematics involves tailoring instruction. However, the shortage of teachers and overcrowded classrooms can be addressed by allowing students to be grouped under their academic requirements to improve their performance of students in mathematics. The issue of how maths should teach has been resolved by developing and approving a new curriculum for different levels of the mathematics task curriculum that teaches knowledge as a whole and that mathematics is a part of the whole world.

1.1 Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is;

  1. Learn about the performance patterns of students at Secondary School Level using the teaching method based on teamwork and the class teaching method.
  2. Explain why there is a difference between the student and the student. Give reasons for the difference in the performance of the.
  3. Find out ways in which the performance could be improved.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The following problems are cited as the reason for the student to perform poorly in senior secondary school throughout the years. These are

Many schools do not have an in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts.

Teachers in the classroom are often challenged to develop a real hook for the student and allow students to tackle problems on their own.

The interest of students and a poor attitude towards their studies.

Methodology of teaching subjects (mathematics)

– Learning environment/a competent teacher.

1.3 Purpose of Study

Team-based learning is an instructional method rooted in the principles of a building of learning centred on the student. If using team-based learning, the teacher assists students in identifying the issue within an actual context. Please encourage students to think about the context where the problem is and find solutions, and also find out whether there is a significant advantage to an automated research centre where students can take their time learning at their own pace.

1.4 Research Questions

Is there a notable difference in student performance in maths when exposed to teams-based learning strategies?

What are the views of the students toward the strategy of team-based learning?

Are there any differences between boys who perform and girls exposed to team-based learning strategies?

Is there a difference between the performances of the public and private schools that are exposed? This could indicate improvements in the performance of the student.

These are the main hypotheses to support the

The meaning of the problem differs between the results of the control group and the experimental group.

There is not a noticeable difference in the performance of boys and girls who are subjected to a team-based learning strategy.

There is a significant difference in the performance of public and private schools when they are exposed to team-based learning.

1.5 Significant of the Study

There are four key aspects of team-based learning. First, groups need to be properly formed and controlled. A second mechanism that applies to both individuals and team members.

The concept of accountability should be integrated into the course of the work. The third student should be provided with the chance for regular and immediate feedback. The students must be provided with assignments which encourage learning as well as team building

1.6 Scope and Limitation

The project’s scope is to compare the analysis of the student’s performance at Senior Secondary School who are they are exposed to teams based on learning. The scope of this study is restricted to two schools in the Ojo Local Government area due to the larger number of schools within the Ojo Local Government Area and the constraints of time and financial resources.