the role of broadcast journalism in nigeria


The research work to look on The Role of Broadcast Journalism in Nigeria with particular reference to Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), Lagos. It is mainly carried out to have knowledge of broadcast journalism deals with news writing and presentation in the electronic medium. It poses a Herculean task for a journalist A broadcast journalist must be aware of just about everything that is going on the world over i.e. he must know something about everything and everything about something. As a result, the research work is divided into five chapters: Chapter one of this research deals with introduction of topic on study, background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, research questions, delimitation and limitation to the study. Chapter two focuses on the review of related literature, the review of many authors also included in this chapter on the broadcast journalism. The relevance, importance and purpose of broadcast journalism. Chapter three based on research methodology, research design and data analysis procedure. Chapter four has to do with data analysis and discussion of finding, testing of hypothesis, for the purpose of analysis we make use of table and percentage to text the validity and reliability of the result. Finally, chapter five deal with summary, conclusion and recommendation, bibliography and appendix. With above information it is assumed that research may not find it difficult to sensitize how effective is broadcast journalism in Nigeria.

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