Teaching is as old as man. It was one of the most respected professions known in the world and in Nigeria during the Colonial Era. This recognition thus confirms the saying that no education system is known to have gone beyond the quality of teachers. (NPE 2004).

However, this study attempts to examine teachers’ effectiveness. Teaching is the giving of deliberate instruction to some, a group of people or class of student. It could otherwise be defined as the process of guiding learning in the acquisition of knowledge skills and attitude. (Noah 2004), described teaching as a body action intended to included learning. That is the conscious and deliberate effort to impact knowledge, information, skills, attitudes, beliefs, etc by a more mature and experienced person with learn or believe what he or she is being taught.

Fafunwa, (1974), opined that parents used to send their children to live with teachers because of the belief that teachers were well disciplined, strict and are people of moral and conduct. As a result of these teachers perception on teaching profession belief that they can create the heart or sharpen the lives or children who proved to be stubborn since teachers are well respected by the society, their perception is that, they are models to be emulated.

An imported issue in education today is teachers’ effectiveness in schools. This becomes more necessary in view of the fact that it is the professional competence of teachers that determine the quality of any educational system. This was put for more succinctly in the National Policy on Education (NPE 2004) which states that no education system may rise above the quality of its teachers; teacher education shall continue to be given major emphasis in all educational plans and development. (NPE 2004).

Teaching is one of the central concepts in the field of education. The act of teaching also involves instructing, stimulating and directing learners on what to do in the school setting, it is an act of impacting knowledge or information to the learners. It involves a lot of activities in cyclic form with no starting point or a definite-end. Teaching involves, a teacher, learner, materials, to learn, evaluation and feedback.

Teaching also brings about desirable changed in human abilities, learning and behaviors. The aim of teaching therefore is to encourage desirable traits in the behavior that contribute to better living.

Teaching varies from one situation to another such that it is not easy to explain or definite its nature with precision, it involves implementing strategies that are designed to lead learners to the attainment of certain goals. In general, these strategies involve communication, motivation and control. It should be noted that teaching is seen as a system of activities, not a singly action.

Teaching is the systematic series of activities through which the teacher seek to interpret his specific tasks in relation to modification of the learner’s state of knowledge. Teaching cycles characterize most sequential pattern of classroom activity the cycles are based on episode intended by the teacher to induce certain types of activity and to produce learning state.

Successful teaching is the teaching, which brings about effective learning. Successful teaching organizes meaningful in the proportion to which the situation or problems seem real or worthwhile to the learner.

In education, a teacher is a person who educates others. A teacher who educates an individual student may also be described as a person tutor. The role of teacher is often order of formal education


In many countries, a person wishing to become a teacher at state funded schools must first obtain professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college. According to Oxford Contemporary Dictionary, a teacher is one who teaches or instructs others to do something, one who leads others, one who instructs, and one who preaches without ordination. A teacher is he who is rightly disposed for the task prepares himself internally by systematically studying himself so that he can find out his most deeply rooted defects and those habits that can inhibit his relation with children. A teacher is a person who has acquired knowledge, information, skills, attitudes, beliefs to an immature or less experience person will learn or believe what he is taught on a rational basis Asoga-Allen (2002). In academic environment like the primary school and secondary schools, the teachers are well groomed individual who is expected to be a specialist in one or two subjects. He must be able to discharge his duties to the learners appropriately because as stipulated in the Nigeria Education Policy, that NCE should be a minimum entry qualification into teaching at the primary level. So a teacher at the pre-primary, primary and secondary levels must be a holder of NCE and University Degree.


According to Douglas (1985) he opined that the teaching effectiveness is measured in order to help improved teaching, develop some standards of acceptable performance help make decisions on promotion and some others. Research findings indicate that the characteristics of a good and effective teacher should include desirable and general accident, personality trait attitude, interest as well as social class origin.

The effectiveness aspect that will be focused on in regard to this research includes the terms of relationship between observed teachers behaviors and students out come measures. Therefore, teaching effectiveness has become a necessary ingredient for increasing student learning performance. The most accepted criterion for measuring good teacher is the amount of student learning that occurs. Thomas Angel, author of Classroom Assessment Techniques, when he said “teaching in the absence is just talking”. A teacher’s effectiveness is again about students’ academic performance. However, all teachers should realize that what a student learns is not always within the teacher’s control. Teaching effectiveness should build good interaction among his/her students. These interactions will bring about sound understanding of the topic taught which will lead to better performance in their academic. An effective teacher must know all the area where student needed help in their studies in order to perform better in their academic life. Likewise an effective teacher must create an atmosphere where student can participate freely in the class discussions by encouraging them to give their ideas or views. For teachers to be effective he must have gone though various institution of learning and he must have been taught on numerous methods of teaching and learning which will assist him to deliver.

Teachers can only change the behaviors of pupils, inculcate permanent literacy and ability to communicate effective by building good interaction between the teacher and students because student study situation, behaviors of teachers and react to the environment.

Successful teaching is the teachings, which bring about effective learning. Successful teaching organizes meaningful in the proportion to which the situation or problem seem real or worthwhile to the student.

The concept of teaching effectiveness employed by behavioral sciences researchers is a meaningful concept only if some teaching behaviors or model are consistency more likely, in specific situation.



The primary task of a teacher is to educate the child inculcate right type of value and fundamental basic, body of knowledge. However, not all teachers knew what it takes to educate the child. Majority of teachers in the teaching enterprise held the beliefs that their business in the school setting is to stuff the heads of student with lots of information or knowledge regardless of their level of usefulness. Specific problem considered in this study are as follows:

  • What is the effect of teacher’s mastery of the subject’s contents on the academics performance of students?
  • What is the effect of the teacher years experience in the academic performance of students?
  • What is the effect of teacher’s regular assessment and mark on the academic performance of students?
  • What is the effect of teacher punctuality in the classroom on academic performance of the students?
  • What is the effect of student interest on the teaching effectiveness of teacher on their academic performance?
  • What is the effect of teacher’s qualification on the academic performance of the students?



The teacher style of a teacher may enable each student to develop his potentialities to the fullest and to enable each student to acquire the right of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Teaching style of a teacher may create an interaction between the teacher and students and also between the physical intellectual and psychological interest of the student and also the ability of the teacher to relate the learning activities to developmental process of the student and immediate interest for the purpose of this study, the following advantages are formulated.

  • To know set of teachers that show mastery of the subject contents taught at the beginning of the lesson.
  • Those who relate his teaching to day today experiences of the students.
  • To know the set of teachers that administer regular and valid continuous assessment, mark and given feedback to students.
  • Those who regular and punctual in the classroom and given satisfactory explanation for any irregularity.
  • Those who put students into consideration before adopting any methods.



The purpose of this study is to examine what constitute teachers’ effectiveness and impact on students’ academic performance. The study is also meant to determine the factors responsible for competence and incompetence of teachers towards the teaching profession. Also to suggest solution to the problems enhancing/influencing teachers effectiveness. More so, to enlighten teachers on their impact of effective in the educational performance of students.

The research is aimed at improving the level of effective teaching between the teacher and students. It will also help teachers to teach effectively in order to have high standard and optimistic expectations in their performance in teaching. It will more so help teachers to be more serious with their profession because they are supposed to be role models which the society look upon.



These research works tend to find answers to the following questions to achieve the aims and objective of this study:

  • Does the teachers’ effectiveness contributes to the students’ academic performance?
  • Does the incompetence of teachers towards the teaching of their student affect the students’ educational achievement?
  • Do you agree that teachers’ effectiveness is a determinant of students’ poor academic performance?
  • Does teachers professional misconduct affects students’ academic performance?
  • Do you agree that teaching professional will affect the students’ academic performance?



Based on the stated question, the following hypotheses were formulated:

Ho 1: Teachers’ effectiveness will not contribute to the students’ academic performance.

Ho 2: Incompetence of teachers towards teaching of their students will not affect the student educational achievement.

Ho 3: Teachers’ effectiveness will not be determinants of student poor academic performance.

Ho 4: Teachers’ professional misconduct will not scientifically have effect on academic performance of students.



The scope of this study is informed by the limited time found and ability of researcher; these factors inform the limit of the scope of the study. Their researcher will be contracted to use well planned close ended questionnaire, which constructed taking into consideration the variable under the study.


  • Perception: Way things are noticed especially with the senses.
  • Teacher’s Effectiveness: This is the change, which take place in the knowledge, attitude, behaviors of individual and communities as a result of teachers’ involvement.
  • Academic Performance: The capabilities of students.
  • Effects: A change which is a result of an action.
  • Teacher: is a person whose job is teaching especially in a school.
  • Impact: means to have on something.
  • Teaching Effectiveness: The teaching expected to serve a purpose.

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