This research study critically examined and describe the impact of sex education on sexual sanity of the girl child and to examine the challenges facing sex education in our schools. However, for objective research to be made twenty research questionnaire items were raised by the researcher and subjected to chi-square statistical analysis method after the opinion of the targeted population has been collated. The responses of the respondents were analyzed using the chi-square statistical analysis. The result of the findings indicated that there is significant relationship between sex education and sexual sanity of a girl child, that there is significant relationship between sex education given by parents and sexual sanity of a girl child. Finally, suggestions and recommendations were proffered by the researcher that all schools both private and public should embrace sex education.



Title page                                                                 i

Certification                                                             ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgement                                                    iv

Abstract                                                                   v

Table of Contents                                                     vi


1.1   Background of the Study                                         1

1.2   Statement of the Problem                                        9

1.3   Purpose of Study                                             11

1.4   Significance of the Study                                         12

1.5   Research Questions                                                 13

1.6   Research Hypotheses                                       14

1.7   Delimitation of the Study                                         14

1.8   Operational Definition of the Terms                         15


2.0   Introduction                                                     16

2.1   The Concept of Sex Education                                 17

2.2   The Concept of a Girl Child                             22

2.3   The Importance of Sex Education                    25

2.4   The Impact of Sex Education to the Society     28

2.5   The Impact of Sex Education to the School     33

2.6   The Impact of Sex Education to Parent            39

2.7   The Impact of Sex Education to Government   47


3.0   Introduction                                                     69

3.1   Research Design                                              70

3.2   Population of the Study                                   70

3.3   Sample and Sampling Techniques                   70

3.4   Research Instrument                                       71

3.5   Validity and Reliability of the Instrument                71

3.6   Data Collection Procedure                                       71

3.7   Method of Data Analysis                                  72


4.1   Inferential Analysis                                          73

4.2   Discussion of Finding                                      78


5.1   Summary                                                                 80

5.2   Conclusion                                                      81

5.3   Recommendations                                           82

References                                                               84

Appendix                                                                         87




1.1   Background of the Study

Sex is one of the instincts which mature comparatively late in the development of individual. It is most active and prominent during the age of adolescence when the child is rapidly achieving sexual maturity which lasts from 12-17 years in girls.

During childhood, there are normal tendencies associated with sex children make childish proposal of love, they play husband and wife and move together during outdoor games. At this time children are ignorant of sexual romance and the proposals though childish are free from corrupt implications. There is no damage done to their sexual development at this time.

The period of adolescence occupies a unique stage in every person’s life. It is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence has been described as a stage among human beings where a lot of physiological as well as anatomical changes take place resulting in reproductive maturity in the adolescents.

Many adolescents manage this transformation successfully while others experience major stress and find themselves engaging or behaviours that place their well being at risk. Adolescents display Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs). By the time they are 18, most adolescents are sexually active. They are less likely than adults to consistently use condoms or other methods of protection that could reduce their chances of infection. Adolescents having sexual intercourse before age 16 are more likely to take risks. They have more sexual partners per year and they start sexual activity earlier in new relationship than those who become sexually active after age 16.

With the onset of adolescence, children begin to notice certain physical changes in their development of sexual parts, their attitude to dress and adornment changes and their thoughts became erotic. During this stage, any abnormal tendency can develop and spoil the life of the child if no proper guidance is given.

Then, the part played by the mother or the teacher in giving necessary instructions become absolutely indispensable and essential.

In most countries matters relating to sex and sexuality are usually shrouded in secrecy. Neither the adolescent girl has free access to the information she needs on sexuality. Questions bordering on sexuality and girl relationship are usually hushed up and regarded as taboos. The consequence of this action is that adolescent girls find answers to sex-related question on their own, often from questionable sources that are likely to give them wrong information, making them more likely to indulge in reckless and unguarded sexual experimentation. Some adolescents lack adequate communication and assertiveness skills to negotiate safer sex. Some feel unable to refuse unwanted sex or feel compelled to exchange sex for money. If a country is education its girls, if women have equal rights, that country is going to move forward. Sex education is a silver bullet for empowering women and girls worldwide. When girls are educated, their families are healthier, they have fewer children, and they have more opportunities to generate income. Educating our wards especially the girl child about sex, the effects and how it affect them and their immediate environment  will help in making a wise choice when it comes to making decision in that regards.

Sex education should start soon as the child begins, giving her knowledge of body awareness. A girl child needs to be told that some particular parts of her body are not to be touched by anybody without her telling mummy and daddy. Parents, especially mummy should create a friendly atmosphere for her to communicate her vulnerability and sexual challenges. When she turns sixteen and becomes aware of her sexuality and vulnerability, what is the information readily available for her? The mother should be the first to tell her about her menstruation when she first notice it. Mother should  develop with her girl child a consistent, positive, emotional connection, which makes her feel secured and help grown in her resiliency needed to manage the challenges in her life. Mother should help her improve her self-confidence  and ability to make informed choices, such as postponing sex until she is mature enough to protect herself from HIV, other STIs and unwanted  pregnancy. She should be empowered to take charge of her sexuality. She needed to know that the sexual urges and drives are part of what makes her human and should take positive response to it by not giving into her emotions. Let her know that it is an honor for her as a woman to experiences sex for the first time after her wedding night. Mothers should be counted guilty  for her girl child’s early unwanted pregnancy for contracting the HIV/AIDS. Now is the time to act by giving her the SEX EDUCATION she needed to sail through adolescence and beyond.

During the adolescence, teenagers experience sexual change, sexual desires, and sexual demands. If their responses to these physiological and emotional changes are not properly channeled into socially responsible and acceptable behaviour, they end up getting involved and lack of guidance leads them into early sexual experimentation.

Honest discussion of sex with the kids, letting them knows that sexual feelings are natural part of growing up. Young people have a choice about whether to show their sexual feelings, and in what way. Some could express their sexual feelings through sexual intercourse which comes with a lot of risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV and a girl can get pregnant. Sexual intercourse is when a man’s penis enters or penetrates into a woman’s vagina. Some could express their through kissing and hugging. It is advisable for young ones to abstain from all sexual acts that can lead`s to sexual intercourse and avoid premarital sex.

They could choose to express their sexual feeling with no action, and this will cause no harm to both parties. Premarital sex is simply sex that precedes marriage. That is any form of sexual activity that is done in teenage years, before maturity and before marriage. The youth should know that sexual activity is a special gift preserved gift preserved for married people. Young ones should tread the path of abstinence instead of believing in safe sex.

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sex education programme on at risk sexual behaviour of school going adolescents. When the treatment group was compared with the control group in an intentions to treat analysis there were significant differences in at –risk sexual behaviour of the two group. Those in the intervention group reported less at-risk sexual behaviour than their counterparts in the control group. Lack of behaviour effect on the control group could be linked to differential equality of delivery of intervention. The present findings have corroborated such studies as Wight, Raab, Buston and Scott which tried to determine whether a theoretically based sex education programme for adolescents delivered by teachers reduced unsafe sexual intercourse compared with control programme.

Within a broad –based sex education programme, the researcher detected changes.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

Some parents feel that having comprehensive sex education courses in school downplays their authority as a parent and marginalizes each individual child. Parents prefer to deal with this delicate issue in their own way, as parents are the authority figure and when they think that a child is ready. Religious and moral drawback. Another potentially negative effect of comprehensive sex education could be that it is in direct conflict with certain families religious and moral beliefs. Some religious belief about abortion and home sexuality, which many religious groups also regard as immoral and wrong. Sex education seems to infringe upon their right to raise godly children according to a certain moral or religious code funding. Another potentially negative effect of sex education is that it has caused a number of conflicts surrounding public school funding. This bill is paid via taxes in public school system. some people see a serious conflict of interest here for tax payers who don’t believe in comprehensive sex education. Some refuse to support it with their tax naira others argue that using tax money in this way is illegal and many sex education dissenters continue to fight this kind of funding. Mass media have enormous influence in the lives of individuals, and if we don’t teach them about sex education, somehow they would learn and may be learn in a way that may have devastating consequences. Some elements of the mass media – television, radio, magazines are biased, ill informed and may not portray accurate reflection of reality.

1.3   Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is summarized below:

  1. To find out the effect of sex education
  2. The need of sex education
  3. To find out to what extent sex education has contributed positively or negative to society or community
  4. To proffer solution based on the finding.

1.4   Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study will serve as a reflect point to further adolescent girls.

  • It will help the adolescent girl to know the important of sex education which will make her to overcome the risk of adolescent stage.
  • It will also show the parents the ways to give the necessary support to their adolescent girls and provide the need provision as well as watching their relationship with their peers, so that the adolescent girls will have value to themselves and society.
  • It helps to enhance the sustainability of a balanced culture.
  • It helps to gain incremental knowledge of the ability to protect oneself and alert people of the threats of sexual exploitation if they are sexually educated.
  • It will help to provide information needed to understand ones body and gender roles in positive ways

1.5   Research Questions

The following questions are stated in order to find possible solution to the research problems.

  1. Is there any significant relationship between sex education and sexual sanity?  
  2. Is there any significant relationship between sex education and the adolescent girl?
  3. Is there any relationship between family life and sex education?
  4. Is there any significant relationship between sexual sanity of adolescent girl and education?
  5. Is there any significant relationship between parents of the adolescent girl and the girl?

1.6   Research Hypotheses

In this study, the following hypotheses developed for testing:

  1. There is no significant relationship between sex education and sexual sanity of a girl child.
  2. There is no significant relationship between sex education given by parents and sexual sanity of a girl child.
  3. There is no significant relationship between sex education given by school and sexual sanity of a girl child.

1.7   Delimitation of the Study

In order to carry out effective findings on the impact of sex education on sexual sanity of a girl child in Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area of Lagos State as a case study. Attention is focused on a girl of Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area of Lagos State. for the purpose of this work  the researcher is concerned about the impact of sex education on sexual sanity of a girl child in Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area.

1.8   Operational Definition of the Terms

A Child: According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary a child is a young person from birth to the age of full physical development.

Adolescent: It is a transaction that is accompanied by profound physical, biological, psychological and social change in human being.

Sexuality: Someone’s ability to experience or express sexual feeling.

Sex: Sexual activity involving the penis or vaginal especially when a man put his penis into a woman vagina.     

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