The level of motivation and satisfaction of teachers have a positive effect of their job commitment since majority of the teachers were committed to their job in Lagos State, the source of the high motivation of the teachers includes opportunities to use the special abilities, secure future and the chance to earn good money. A total of 120 secondary teachers responded to motivation on teacher’s job satisfaction. Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using chi-square and tee-test analysis.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-v
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii-ix CHAPTER ONE
1.1 Background of the study 1-10
1.2 Statement of the Problem 10-11
1.3 Purpose of the study 11-12
1.4 Research Questions 12-13
1.5 Research Hypotheses 13
1.6 Significance of the Study 13-14
1.7 Scope of the Study 15
1.8 Limitation of the Study 15
1.9 Definition of Terms 15
2.0 Introduction 16
- Concept of Motivation 17-21
- Concept of Job Satisfaction 22-26
- The Dimension of Job Satisfaction 27-33
- Relationship between Motivation
and Job satisfaction 33-37
- Factors Militating Against Teachers
job Satisfaction 37-42
- Methods/Strategies of Motivating
Teachers 42-49
3.0 Introduction 50
3.1 Research Design 50-51
3.2 Population of the study 51
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques 51-52
3.4 Research Instrument 52
3.5 Method of Data Collection 53
3.6 Method of Data Analysis 53
4.0 Introduction 54
4.1 Respondents Personal Data Based on Age 54-55
4.2 Inferential Analysis 55
4.2.1 Analysis of Relationship between
Motivation and Job Satisfaction of
Teachers 55-56
4.2.2 T-test Analysis on Relationship
between Motivation and Job Satisfaction
of Male and Female Teachers 56-57
4.2.3 Analysis on Significant Relationship
between Motivation and Job Satisfaction
of Junior and Senior Teachers 57-58
4.3 Discussion of Findings 58-60
5.1 Summary 61-62
5.2 Conclusion 62-63
5.3 Recommendations 63-66
5.4 Suggestion for Further Research 66
References 67-69
Appendix 70-74
- Background of the Study
The relevance of job satisfaction is very crucial to the long term growth of any educational system around the world they probably rank alongside professional knowledge and skills. Center competences educational resources and strategies as the veritable determinants of educational success and performance professional knowledge one feels effective in one’s behavior. In other words, professional knowledge skills and competencies can be seen when one is taking on and mastering challenging tasks directed at educational success and performances (Filak and Sheldon, 2003).
However, motivation and satisfaction are very important factors in terms of organization success and achievements, if changes occur in external environment then it is necessary for an organization to adopt that change because it may motivates to gain a competitive advantage. For this, the main thing they required is the skill and competent employees.
Motivation plays an important role in the organization because it increases the productivity of employees and the goal can be achieved in an efficient way. The behavior of employees can be change through motivation in any organization from situation to situation the level of motivation differs within an individual (Robbins, Judge and Sanghi, 2005). Motivation also takes part in an important role for teachers because it helps to achieve the target in an efficient way. Teacher motivation is very important because it improves the skills and knowledge of teachers because of directly influences the student’s achievement (Mustafa, and Othman, 2010). If in schools, the teachers do not have sufficient motivation then they are less competent which directly influences the students and the education system.
In addition needs satisfaction and motivation to work are very essential in the lives of teachers because they form the fundamental reason for working in life. While almost every teacher’s works in order to satisfy his on her needs in life, he or she constantly agitates for need satisfaction. Job satisfaction in this content is the ability of the teaching job to meet teacher’s needs and improve their job/teaching performance.
However, it is assumed that teacher’s agitations and demands are beyond the resources of the ministry of education or the government. As a result the government in Nigeria and the Nigerian Union of Teacher’s (NUT) are in a constant stand-off over the increase in salaries benefits and improvement in working conditions of teachers. The federal and state governments have argued that the present economic realities in the country cannot sustain the demanded increase in salaries, benefits and improvement in working conditions specifically they argue that teachers demand are beyond the government resources.
Education has been assigned high priority in the nation development strategy and conscious efforts have been made towards the massive expansion of educational facilities in the country. In absolute terms, the educational system created in the country is vast when viewed in respect of the number of institutions, students and teachers and the variety of educational activity.
However, effective utilization and success of educational set-up to produce quality output has been a subject matter of concern. Several commissions and committees who examined the functioning of educational set up in the country have expressed the concern about the quality, Job satisfaction and work motivation of the teachers towards an overall improvement of the education system. The national policy of education (1986) recognized the crucial role of teachers and stated that the status of teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of a society. It further expressed that no people can rise above the level of it’s teachers and the government and the community should endeavor to create conditions which will help motivate and inspire teachers on constructive and create lines. It may be relevant to mention that in the present scenario of education in our country one comes across candidate with relatively superior qualifications and adequate professional degrees getting entry into the teaching profession, yet the problems of deterioration education standards both qualitatively and quantitatively seems to be assuming alarming dimensions. Therefore, there should be some other important determinants of this phenomenon besides academic and professional qualifications of teachers; such determinants appear to be job satisfaction and their work motivation etc.
Job satisfaction among school teachers has been considered as a vital factor for the improvement of the education system and thus has got an unshakable place in educational researches. Satisfaction is a psychological phenomenon and its concept is highly intricate and subjective. Job satisfaction describes how content an individual with his or her job. It expresses the extent of match between the employee’s expectations from the job and the rewards that the job provides.
Teacher’s job satisfaction is one of the key factors in school dynamics and is generally considered as a primary dependent variable in term of which effectiveness of the school is evaluated. The well adjusted and satisfied teacher can contribute a lot to the well being of his or her pupils. It complex array of factors also affects job satisfaction among teacher which was mentioned earlier, every employed wishes to hire positively motivated people who want to work and will continue to try hard throughout the total period of employment. The schools need highly motivated teachers so as to attain their goods and produce good citizens. It is one of the several factors that go into a teacher’s performance. It includes the factors that cause channel and sustain the behavior of teachers in a particular committed direction. The researchers assume that motivation among teachers is in short supply and in needs of periodic replenishment. Thus, if it is known that what drives the teachers will help in understanding their work behavior. Their efficiency in working will lead to progress of school which in turn will enhance their commitment to school and job satisfactions.
To summarize motivation act as a powerful tools in educational institutions which may lead to increased efficiency of teachers. Dombrovskis, Gusewa and Murasovs (2011) concluded that the motives of work satisfaction and social states were found to occupy the lowest positions in the work motivation structure Kaur and Sidana (2011) found that level of job satisfaction to male teachers was greater than their female counterparts Gupta, Pasrija and Bansal (2012) reported that female teachers, were more satisfied than their male counterparts and more experienced teachers, teachers belonging to rural area had better job satisfaction than their counterparts. Thus it is assumed that the present study will provide a new information and perspective describing job satisfaction and work motivation of teachers in Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State.
- Statement of the Problem
Teachers in Nigeria, especially in Lagos State have expressed a lot of dissatisfaction about the lack of human resource development poor working conditions poor remuneration and poor human relations that exist in schools. This has resulted in high teachers turnover coupled with poor results in senior secondary schools due to lack of commitment towards work. The operating conditions of services appear to fall short teachers expectation manifesting in resignations, vacations of post, non-resumption at post after teachers have of absence and sponsored study leave. The general mood of those remaining is not encouraged as they exhibit other forms of withdrawal behavior such as absenteeism, lateness and passive job behavior.
- Purpose of the Study
The main objectives of the study are to investigate teacher’s motivational level in some selected schools.
To determine the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction of teachers in the school setting.
To identify social and work related variables militating against staff motivation, job satisfaction and job effectiveness of teachers in schools.
To make recommendations for the improvement of job motivation and job satisfaction on of teacher’s in Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State.
To discuss ways which teachers can be motivated in secondary schools in Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State?
- Research Questions
The following are the researcher questions use as a guide for the study.
- Is there a relationship between job satisfaction and job effectiveness of teachers in secondary schools?
- Does motivation influences job effectiveness of teachers?
- Does there a relationship between job motivation and job satisfaction of teachers in secondary schools?
- Does Nigeria Education service make effort to motivate and satisfy teachers in secondary schools?
- Research Hypotheses
- There is no significant relationship between motivation and job satisfaction of teachers.
- There is no significant relationship between motivation and job satisfaction of male and female teachers.
- There is no significant relationship between motivation and job satisfaction of junior and senior teachers.
- Significance of the Study
Identifying motivational factors social and work related factors influencing teacher commitment will inform the major stake holder of institutions in formulating policies geared toward addressing low commitment and high staff turnover in the state. This will help in reducing the teachers satisfaction and boost their morale to make them more committed to their job.
It will also help the teachers to understand their work local behavior, their efficiency at work will lead to the progress of school and as well the students in their academic performance thus help to produce good citizens to the society at large.
It is also hope that thus study would encourage more interest in research and pave the way for an in-depth study of the problems on motivation and job satisfaction on a winder dimension than has been pursued in this research.
- Scope of the Study
This research work is restricted to Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State.
- Limitation to the Study
Due to constraints of time, this research could not be extended to other local Government Area of Lagos State; it is restricted to Ikeja State.
- Definition of Terms
Motivation:- It is define as those psychological process that cause the arousal direction and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed.
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