Learn how to do an E.V.S. project in class 12


Are you planning to do an E.V.S. project in class 12? Do you know how to go about doing it? If not, then do read on! We will let you know how to go about the complete process of doing an E.V.S. project. First, we have given you some important tips and advice on choosing your project; keep reading to find out more!

Have you ever wondered how to do an E.V.S. project? E.V.S. stands for Environmental Value Studies and helps conduct scientific studies vital to the environment. It requires ample research, data collection and analysis, and fieldwork activities. So, if you want to know how to prepare and do an E.V.S. project, keep reading this article!

You don’t need to be a student of 12th to do an E.V.S. project. You can do it anytime in your life. Doing an E.V.S. project is not as simple as it sounds, though. You need to have some basic skills like using M.S. Word and M.S. Excel, which you may or may not have at the moment, but you can easily learn these skills through the Internet.

If you cannot do your E.V.S. project in school, where can you do it? You can go for a walk in nature and see what is happening. The next step is to write down all your experiences, observations and discoveries in a diary form or even on a map to know where every place you want to go or need information about is. By doing so, you will be able to identify various species of plants and animals, their habitats, and different environmental issues, such as deforestation (which means cutting of trees from forests) and air pollution, which leads us to diseases like asthma etc.

It is also important for people who live close by these places to know about any risks because of climate change or other factors. This way, we can help save our environment from destruction and ensure we have healthy living conditions for future generations. It is also very important to take photos or videos of everything you find out there and not to forget anything. So now you know where to study Environmental Studies!

What are Environmental Studies?

Environmental studies have emerged as a major subject that helps us understand and make efforts to improve our relationship with the environment. Ecological studies, also known as E.V.S., combine’ background’ and ‘studies’. So basically, environmental studies include various fields like biology, chemistry, economics etc., which help us study human life with their surrounding environment. It has multiple activities, such as collecting samples from surface water or groundwater resources and checking for natural toxins.

There are numerous ways of achieving these, but one good practice would be having students start an E.V.S project for class 12. Through such projects, students can learn about different aspects of E.V.S.such as the collection and preparation of the sample for testing along with identification of any pollutants, if any, found by conducting lab tests on them. Students can even work towards cleaning up any kind of pollution that they see in their area. They can work towards creating awareness among people through pamphlets and posters.

Students will have to do a lot of research before starting an E.V.S.project for class 12, so they must choose something relevant. An interesting aspect of doing such projects is that it teaches students discipline, perseverance and time management skills since they will have limited time working on their E.V.S. project for class 12. Moreover, after completing such tasks, students will become more aware of what needs to be done regarding protecting our environment and thus making themselves more responsible citizens!

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Why Should We Study Environment?

The environment is a subject that won’t be ignored for long. Each year, people destroy our planet, and it’s up to us, as future leaders of our nation, to set things right. We must preserve and protect our land and educate other people about the problem. It will require a lot of time and patience, so here are some tips that might help you with your ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES EVS PROJECT FOR CLASS 12. What Is An E.V.S? Project?: Environmental studies E.V.S. project for class 12 is a term used to describe projects which discuss environmental problems. These problems may vary from simple issues like lack of clean drinking water or noise pollution caused by vehicles to more complex ones like global warming or deforestation. If you have decided on doing such a project, determine what needs to be discussed. A good idea would be choosing something related to where you live and presenting solutions that can help improve living conditions there.

Global Warming, Ozone Layer Depletion, Sustainability, Conservation EVS PROJECT


An E.V.S. project focuses on solving real-world problems, so you’ll want a topic that matters to you. You could study environmental issues related to your community or help solve problems at home, like working on an energy efficiency upgrade. Whatever subject you choose, start by doing some basic research and considering what issue is most important and how big it is compared with other similar problems. It will give you a good idea of how much time you should plan for and the resources (like your parent’s time) needed for success.

A typical E.V.S. project requires two years of work: At first glance, a two-year project may seem intimidating—especially if you don’t know where to begin. That’s why we recommend starting small and thinking long term. For example, if you want to improve recycling in your city, go door-to-door to collect data about recycling habits instead of organizing a massive public campaign. Then build on your findings until you’re ready to take action—and ask for help along the way! The more time you spend getting comfortable with a subject before taking action, the better off everyone will be when you move forward.

Where can you study Environmental Studies?

Environmental Studies is now a separate subject for class 12. To take up Environmental Studies as a subject, you must study it separately, and there is no option of choosing it as an elective from other issues. The schools and colleges which have started teaching Environmental Studies are Delhi Public School – Vasant Kunj, City Montessori School, Sri Aurobindo International School, Amity International School, Adarsh Vidya Mandir, D.P.S. R.K. Puram and more. If you want to study Environmental Studies, then these are some good places where you can go. However, if your school or college does not offer Environmental Studies as a subject, then don’t worry because you can still study it privately by joining any institute that offers it.

Some popular institutes which offer environmental studies classes include Green Earth Institute (G.E.D.), Ashoka University and many others. These institutes provide different courses on ecological studies like Introduction to Environment, Sustainable Development, Climate Change etc. So if your school or college does not offer Environmental Studies as a subject, don’t worry because there are many other options available for studying it at home or abroad. You need to look for a course online and register yourself with an institute offering it.

Choose one topic from List A or List B below with your parents’ permission. Then, create an action plan based on your chosen topic. For example, if you choose global warming as your topic, write out ways you could help reduce greenhouse gases in our atmosphere through energy-efficient practices such as carpooling with friends or turning off unused lights around the house. Also, mention who else could help make a difference in achieving zero emissions, such as local politicians and community leaders. Remember: You’re writing a persuasive essay here, so mention why someone should care about what you’re saying!

What’s required before doing an E.V.S. Project?

You must look at at least three previous E.V.S. projects from last year. Most likely, these projects will have been assigned by the school. It can give you a better idea about what kind of work is expected and what qualities will be looked for when evaluating your work. Additionally, find out what sort of E.V.S. projects some of your classmates did for class 11.

Try and get their input as well because it’s more than possible that they’ll have some valuable insights into doing an E.V.S. project in Class 12. For example, did they know someone who had done one before? Did they know if there are any specific topics or themes preferred over others? You might also want to see if there are any teachers or mentors who could offer you guidance on writing an E.V.S. project in class 12. Just remember not to go overboard with asking questions.

How do you choose your project partner?

You and your partner will be spending a lot of time working together, so you must be compatible. A few factors might come into play: your geographic location, availability of equipment/facilities/time, and personality. Choose someone who you can communicate with easily; not only is it important for deciding things like meeting times, but communicating during experiments is key. If one person is more hands-on than another, it may make sense to choose a different partner. When choosing a partner, the most important thing is making sure they have similar goals as you—don’t choose someone just because they’re available or willing! If they don’t share your interest in learning about environmental science, then there’s no point in doing an E.V.S. project together.

How to conduct your research?

A research paper begins with a question that you pose. It could be anything. The following are some sample questions: Has global warming occurred? Is it happening today? Can it be reversed? What steps can we take now to ensure future generations have a healthy planet to live on? Conducting research into your chosen topic is crucial and, as such, should not be rushed or skimp on time for sourcing data. However, you must ensure that you remain focused, accurate, and concise at all times.

If you are researching online, make sure that any information sourced is credible and reliable. If using newspapers, make sure they are reputable publications written by experts in their field of study. You will also need to conduct primary research, which means going out into the area yourself or talking to people who know more about your subject than you do (e.g., scientists). Once you have conducted your research, it is important to summarise what has been found so far (this will form part of your essay). In addition, if possible, compare other findings with yours; if there appear to be discrepancies, then explain why these may exist.