
Title Page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract vii

Table of Contents ix


Introduction 1

Statement of Problem 3

Research Questions 4

Research Hypothesis 6

Delimitation of Study 7

Limitation of Study 8

Significance of Study 9

Definition of Terms 9


A Brief History of Banking Industry 12

Functions of the Banks 14

Types of Bank 17

Definition and Nature of Stress 19

Causes of Stress 23

Pathophysiology of Stress 28

Stress at Work (Job Stress) 31

Causes of Job Stress 32

Stress in the Banking Industry 35

Manifestations and Consequences of Stress 38

Effects of Stress on Systems of the Body 45

General Stress Management 47

Stress Management at Work 59

Evaluating Individual Stress 65


Research Design 68

Population 68

Sample and Sampling Technique 69

Research Instrument 70

Validity of the Instrument 72

Pre-Testing of the Instrument 72

Procedure for Data Collection 73

Procedure for Data Analysis 73





Summary 100

Conclusion 102

Recommendation 104

References 107

Appendix – Questionnaire 112


This project assessed stress management techniques within banks in the Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. The study involved twelve banks.

The study’s population included executives, managers, supervisors and officers of selected banks. Two hundred fifty bank employees were chosen. A simple random procedure was employed to choose the participants. The instrument was a self-structured questionnaire approved by the supervisor for data collection. This study used the descriptive survey design as its research design. These eight hypotheses were examined, and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency and percentage. An inferential chi-square statistic (c 2) was used to test the hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. All hypotheses were significant.

This study revealed that bank workers in the Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State use many strategies to manage stress.

Individual bank employees were advised to balance their personal, family, and professional lives to manage stress effectively. Bank management was also recommended to implement stress prevention, intervention, and evaluation programs for their employees to promote optimal productivity.


CHAPTER 1 evaluation of stress management techniques among bank workers




Stress is the body’s response to an unpleasant situation. Moronkola (2003) defined stress as the body’s reaction to an actual or perceived change in how the body uses or wants it. This causes a shift in equilibrium that requires adapting to the social and physical environment. Stress can be severe or mild. One of the most common causes of stress is work (Mayo Clinic Staff 2003; Udo, 2001).

When it comes to stress and work, the banking industry is a high-stress job. Omolumon (1993) stated that the banking sector is a key component of all economic activities. As intermediates and mobilizers of funds, banks provide the oil that drives the wheels of various economic sectors. Bank employees spend more hours at work because of this. Bank workers are often very early risers and end up very late. Some bank workers do not observe a break or have it during work hours.

Sauter et al. (1995) describe what is known as eustress. When it is managed negatively, it is called distress (Moronkola, 2003). Stress management can bring out creativity and productivity in people if it is done well. According to Mayo Staff Clinic, 2003, there are several positive ways to manage stress.

Being easy on yourself – being positive, simple and easy

Healthy habits are about practising regular exercise and avoiding bad habits.

Take a vacation or break to relax.

Massage to relax the tension and do something you love can help revive your mind and body.

Stress management is not done properly; This could lead to symptoms such as poor sleep patterns, poor concentration at work, and poor relationships with friends (Moronkola, 2003). Neglecting to take care of your health can lead to psychological and physical disorders such as migraines, back pains, hypertension and cardiovascular disorder, and sexual dysfunction.

This study targeted bank workers in Ojo, Lagos state’s local government. Ojo local government includes areas such as Era, Okokomaoiko and Shibari.

Ojo is the headquarter. The local government is home to a lot of banking and commercial activities. The local government is home to thirty-eight banks, which means that there are a lot of transactions and banking activities in the area.

This study is designed to evaluate stress management strategies among Ojo Local bank workers, as it has been observed that banking workers are often subject to job-related stress.


Statement on the Problem

Each job comes with stress, but banking has been very stressful due to the long hours, lack of breaks, monotonous job schedule, and fear of an armed robbery assault. These conditions can lead to loss of appetite, sleeplessness, insomnia, anxiety, depression, heart disease, and other health problems. The organization’s profitability could be affected if the health of its workers is poor; This will lead to absenteeism, low job performance, and job dissatisfaction. This study evaluates stress management techniques for both the bank industry and staff.


Research Questions

These research questions will be looked into in this research study:

Are bank employees in Ojo Local Government Area going to work under stress?

Is it possible to be positive about life issues to manage stress in the Ojo Local Government Area bank branches?

Regular breaks between work will be a method of managing Stress for Ojo Local Government Area bank workers?

Can Ojo Local Government Area bank workers use caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol to manage stress?

Is it possible to create time for relaxation to manage Stress among Ojo Local Government Area bank employees?

Is it possible to control your Stress among Ojo Local Government Area bank workers?








Research Hypotheses

These research hypotheses will also be tested:

Ojo Local Government Area bank workers will not be significantly stressed.

Bank workers in Ojo Local Government Area will not find it helpful to be positive about life issues.

Bank workers in Ojo Local Government Area will not take regular breaks between work; This is a way of managing stress.

Bank workers in Ojo Local Government Area will not use caffeine, tobacco or alcohol to manage stress.

Bank workers in Ojo Local Government Area will not find it helpful to create time for relaxation.

Bank workers in Ojo Local Government Area will not be able to manage stress by not being true to themselves.


Definitions of the Study

The following will be the results of this research?

Six (6) banks are available from three major Ojo Local Government areas.

Independent variables of being positive about life issues, regular breaks between work, use of tobacco, alcohol, or caffeine, creating time to relax, and not keeping oneself busy.

Use of descriptive survey research design

Use of a self-structured questionnaire to aid in research

Use descriptive statistics to determine frequency counts and percentages and inferential statistics using chi-square to test the hypothesis at the 0.05 alpha level.



Limitations to the Study

These were the limitations of the study:

Some respondents claimed they didn’t have the time or energy to complete the questionnaire because of their busy schedules.

Some banks refused to accept the questionnaires.

Some banks did not complete all the questionnaires, whereas others were given more.

These limitations were overcome when I pleaded with bank employees and suggested that they complete the questionnaire during their lunch break. Some of them agreed with this idea. Other banks were selected to replace the instruments rejected by those banks.

Research assistants and researchers also left questionnaires for bank employees. They would collect them at regular intervals.






Significance for Study

The research results of this study will hopefully be significant in enhancing the knowledge base on stress management techniques; This may lead to improved work output and creativity by workers to make things work more effectively.

The study results may also help bank administrators create stress relief packages for their employees; This could help bank employees increase their productivity and job satisfaction without putting their security and health at risk.


Definition of Terms

Bank –An organization which provides financial services such as keeping or lending money.

Bankers- Individuals who work in banking and deal with the bank accordingly.

Stress –Poor and other harmful reactions to stressors and stress.

Eustress is a way to manage stress well and positively respond to stressors.

Management – A way to deal with an unforeseen situation.

Stress – A state that results from any external situation, action or physical demands placed on a person; This can cause an adaptive response that varies from one person to another.

Stressors – stress-inducing factors