The research study focused mainly on self-esteem on Primary pupils in Lagos State School using Ejigbo Local government area of Lagos State as a case study. The main purpose of the study is investigate the challenges of self-esteem either low self-esteem or hyperactive children. Self-esteem enable intelligently students to perform excellently well while the low self-esteem could not speak in the crowd, all these have negative effect on their personalities as they grow up. Finally if self-esteem were able to be built among teenagers their academic performance will surely improve.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of Content vii
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem. 2
1.3 Purpose of the Study 3
1.4 Objectives of the Study 3
1.5 Research Questions 4
1.6 Significance of the Study 5
1.7 The Scope of the Study 6
1.8 Limitation of the Study 6
1.9 Definition of Terms 6
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
Introduction 9
2.1 The Concept Of Self Esteem 10
2.2 Self – Esteem and Gender 10
2.3 Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement 13
2.4 Peer Relationship and Self-Esteem 14
2.5 Parent Relationship 15
2.6 Self-Esteem and Parenting 16
2.7 Self Esteem, Grade and Relationship 17
2.8 Indicators of High and Low Self-Esteem 17
2.9 Maslow’s Theory of Needs 18
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology
3.1 Research design 33
3.2 The sample and sampling procedure 33
3.3 Research instrument 34
3.4 Validity and reliability of reach tools 35
3.5 Data gathering produce 35
3.6 Data processing and analysis techniques 36
CHAPTER FOUR: Data Analysis and Interpretation
4.1 Introduction 37
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary 65
5.2 Conclusion 66
5.3 Recommendations 68
5.4 Suggested Areas for Further Research 69
- Background to the Study
Achievement It is problematic to compare grades assigned by different teachers and the rest scores in different years are not based on a common metric. However, these teacher assigned scores served the purpose of the study. In addition previous studies using teachers assigned scores had found similar result (Ahmaraara and Houston, 2007, Frank 2007. An ideal situation however would have been to moderate school grades based on a common test, such as the entry test for the 8th grades. In this case, there was no common test and the entry test for years 8 was only available for the 9th graders in one school. Since the above research was only based on perception of self concept and actual academics performances in mathematics and English only, there was need to further investigate how self esteem related to overall academic performance among high school student in Kenya.
The researcher also intend to investigate weather factors such as feeling of competence, confidence, goal directedness and self efficacy lead to high self esteem or low self esteem and their effect on academics performance.
The researcher also hoped to final out how social problems such as drug abuse poor performance and anti-social behaviour related to self-esteem finally the researcher sought to find out how feeling of unworthiness depression doubt personality maladjustment and deviant behaviour relate to self-esteem and academic performance in primary school.
1.2 Statement of the Problem.
Academics performance of students in primaries school varies greatly at the end of their primary classes this study aimed at finding out how school factors such as school environment teachers peers and home factor such as parents and parenting style parent adolescent relationships and demographic factor such as age peers influence gender and peer statues affect the student self esteem in relation to their academics performances.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study was to examine how self esteem interact with factor such as school environment teacher peers as well as demographic factor such as age and gender among other influences student performance on the basis of this aims five specific objectives were formulated.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The objectives that guided this study sought to:
- Investigate the effect of self esteem on academics performance of primaries school students of Ejigbo local government area Lagos state
- Establish the effect of age on self esteem and academic performances of the Tinubu Primary school Ejigbo
- Establish the effect of gender on self esteem and academics performances on some selected primary school in Ejigbo local government area Lagos state
- Examine the effect of teacher on student self esteem and their academics performances in Ejigbo local government area Lagos state.
1.5 Research Questions
On the basis of the study objectives outlined above, four questions were formulated. These were;
- What is the effect of self-esteem on academic performance of district IV some primary school in Ejigbo Local Government, Lagos State.
- What is the effect of age on self-esteem and academic performance of primary school pupils in Ejigbo, Lagos state
- What is the effect of gender esteem and academics performance of pupils in Ejigbo, Oshodi Isolo, Lagos state
- How do teacher affect student self-esteem and their academic performance in district iv, Ejigbo precisely.
1.6 Significance of the Study
Evaluation of pupils/learners, progress is very essential since it serves as a basis on which education decision concerning students are made. it is for this reason that knowledge of factors that influence the outcome of academic achievement are to be clear to the educators parent and student so that standards of academics performance could be enhanced self-esteem is instrumental to those planning and implementing the curricular not only within the confines of the family but also within the school environment. Greater understanding of how self-esteem influence adolescent would facilitate the development of training curricular and enrichment program that complement the cognitive aspect of knowledge acquisition.
The negative effect of lack of a healthy sense of one’s self-esteem have been highlighted by several studies (Mivite 1989) these effect are however, amenable to change and this would facilitate the development positive interest in the learner to excel academically such information would be useful to the stakeholders.
1.7 The Scope of the Study
The study was conducted in three public primary school in local government area Lagos state. The school included mixed boys and girls school. Due to time and cost only three public schools out of twenty five wine surveyed.
1.8 Limitation of the study
This study will be limited to selected primary schools in Ejigbo local government area, district IV Lagos state due to financial constraint.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Academics Performance: The study refers to strong desire to achieve good grades that would lead to admission into secondary school.
Avoidance: A learned maladjustment response and anxiety. A self defeating behavior from re-approaching the feared stimulus
Coping: a candid and realistic facing up to treating situations that usually require personal introspection, honesty and willingness to acknowledge openly the imperfections of the self.
Desired self: The self one would like to be
Extant self: The way one privately view one’s self
Grade: class or level or standard e.g. grade 8, means standard eight.
High self-esteem characteristics: willingness to express opinion initiating, friendly contact, sitting with other during activities and speaking fluently.
Kubber: A substance that is by sniffing
Low Self Esteem Characteristics: putting down other teasing name calling failure to express view giving excuses for failure and bragging excessive about achievement.
Presenting self: The self one attempt to disclose to others
Self Efficacy: The explanation of successfully meeting the challenges and overcoming the obstacles, a general sense of control of self and environment.
Self Esteem: A stable sense of personal worth or worthiness the experience of being competent cope with the basic challenges of life.
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