The study is significant because it examines how the home environment affects children’s educational attainment level in Ajeromi Ifelodun Local Government Area. It also reveals other factors affecting the educational attainment of pupils/children. The study examines the effect of home and environment on children’s academic achievement in nursery school. The study was limited to Ajeromi Ifelodun Local Government Area; it offered the researcher a close opportunity to witness and investigate the effect of home and environment on pupils’ academic achievement in nursery schools. In carrying out the research work, the researcher interviewed pupils, and a questionnaire was used to get information from three nursery schools; these were later subjected to analysis: all hypotheses were rejected after all findings were made. Finally, attempts were made to make recommendations, which include the fact that all parents should bear in mind that they can make their children’s future, so they should have special care, interest and love for their children, and parents should also find time to help their children with homework or get a lesson teacher or anyone that can be of help to their education—keywords: children, achievement, educational, home, environment, income, effect, nursery.




Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract vi

Table of content vii



1.0 Introduction 1

  • Background to the Study 5
  • Statement of the Problem 6
  • Purpose of study 6
  • Research question 7
  • Research hypothesis 7
  • Scope delimitation of study 8


2.0 Literature Review 9

2.1 Family Backgrounds (Home) 9

2.2 Peer Group/Mass Media 12

2.3 The Socio-Economic Factor of the Child 15

2.4 Religion/Culture 19

2.5 Home Environment and its Effect

on Nursery School Children 25

2.6 Likely Solutions to Negative Effects of

Home Environment 26

2.7 Parent’s Frequent and Systematic Discussion 28

2.9 Parent’s Encouragement Towards their

Children School work 31

2.9 Negative Parental Involvement 33



  • Introduction 36
  • Research Design 36
  • The population of Study 36
  • Sampling and Sampling Techniques 37
  • Research Instrument 38
  • Validity of Instrument 38
  • Reliability of Instrument 39
  • Administration of Instrument 39
  • Data Collection 39
  • Method of Data Analysis 39


CHAPTER FOUR                                   

  • Presentation and Analysis of Data 0

4.1 Introduction 40

4.2 Presentation of Results 41



5.0 Summary 53

5.1 Conclusion 54

5.2 Recommendation 55

Reference 57

Appendix 59



1.0 Background to the Study

Environment as a concept refers to the total surrounding of man. It contains all the factors that can influence man from outside factors that can also affect the life and development of man and organization or society.

There are two (2) aspects of the environment that need to be considered: Physical Environment and Social Environment. The social environment refers to the home environment into which man is born.

The social environment refers to the home environment into which man is born. At the same time, the physical environment refers to the immediate surroundings made up of natural and artificial or some natural made elements such as features, which include temperature, winds, cloud formation, air pressure, and others.

Daramola (2002) stated that the effect of home environment includes those things found around a man or surrounding him that are capable of affecting his social development: family, social, economic peer group/mass religion. He also stated that the home environment is the immediate environment where living things and non-living things can be found.

Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary 6th edition defines environment as conditions and circumstances affecting a person’s life.

Several studies have proved that the environment in which learners operate has a large effect on their learning. The family characteristics that are the most powerful predictor of school achievement are the socioeconomic status of the student’s family and the higher his educational attainment. The motivational economic development and the emotional stabilizing role, which include: family, social economy, peer groups, culture, religion and play, play an important role in the life of a child. These factors affect children’s educational attainment; for decades, educational practitioners and the public have assumed that social-economic is one of the best predictors of educational attainment.

The Coleman report supported that theory. As explained by Kari white (2001), the Coleman report confirmed for education through what they thought they already knew that a strong relationship exists between all kinds of attainment variables and what has come to be known as socioeconomic status; white also notes that the belief in the strong relationship between socio-economic status and pupils attainment is so pervasive that been questioned. To illustrate, consider the following quotes.

The family characterized that the most powerful predictors for school attainment are the socio-economic status of the children’s family the higher is educational attainment. This relationship has been documented in countless pupils and seems to hold no matter what we ensure of status is used(Occupation of principal breadwinner family income, parent education or some combination of other factors) (Bankole 2002 P32).

We can categorise pupils according to their parent’s social class and position as other them on the extent of their participation and the degree of their success in the American educational system; Researchers have so consistently confirmed this that it can now be regarded as an empirical law. Socio-economic status predicts grade attainment and intelligence test scores, relent and grade-level course, failure, truancy, suspensions from high school dropout plans for college attendants and the total amount of formal schooling (charter 2003).




  • Statement of the Problem

The following are observed as the overall experience among nursery school pupils and parents:

  • Parents of pupils are busy with work and other rarely engagements such that they concentrate on their pupil’s school work.
  • Homework of pupils not properly done or not done at all.
  • Parents of pupils are less concerned about their school work because of personal engagement and commitment.
  • The performance of pupils is not encouraging because of the gap created by non-interest in their school work.
  • Parents’ participation in school activities is minimal and not capable of promoting academic excellence.





  • Purpose of the Study 

This project is designed to ascertain the effect of the home environment on the educational achievement of Nursery school pupils.

Also, for the parent and school authorities, challenges posed against them in encouraging their children.

  • Research Questions
  • What are the effects of the home environment on children’s academic achievement in nursery school?
  • What are the causes of home and its environment in our society?
  • Did the home environment affect children’s educational achievement?
  • What are the types of the home environment for children in educational attainment?


  • Research Hypothesis

Based on the Study’s identified problems, the following hypothesis was formulated and tested.

  • There is no significant relationship between the home environment and the pupil’s educational achievement.
  • There is no significant relationship between parents’ educational level and pupils’ achievement.
  • There is no significant difference between the family income and a pupil’s educational achievement.
    • Significance of the Study

The Study is significant because

  • It reveals other factors affecting the educational attainment of pupils.
  • It will help parents and school authorities generate affection and love, provide personal security and acceptance to the pupils, and stop their socio weaknesses.
  • It will help the educationist know the area of educational needs in the educational system and try to improve on them, especially on behalf of pupils from poor homes and those that have been influenced negatively by peer groups.
    • Scope Delimitation of the Study

In carrying out this research work on this native, some problems are very unlikely to Generate from different angles; these problems include transportation and the cooperation of the school authorities because the school’s authorities might not be willing to release their students for an interview and where they do some of them might not want the researcher to be conducted in their school.

The time factor is another problem that the researcher should consider because the time available will influence the writing. After all, the researcher will need more time to visit randomly selected schools for more information.