computer science project topics

Planning for a computer science project can be overwhelming. There are so many ideas for computer science project topics to choose from that it’s hard to know where to start! And if you don’t pick the right one, you’ll have to scramble and change your idea halfway through the project because you’ll either get bored or find out it’s too difficult.
But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are 10 great ideas for your next computer science project.

 Interesting Computer Science Project Topic Ideas for Undergraduates.

There are many different computer science project topics ideas that can be explored, and deciding which one to pursue may be difficult. Below are ten examples of interesting computer science projects that can be tackled by undergraduates.

1) Design a website for your favorite restaurant

2) How much data does Netflix use?

3) How do different social media websites affect our mental health?

4) What is the worst movie ever made?

5) Can computers take over the world?

6) Design an app that helps people with Alzheimer’s disease remember things

7) Design a program to help you find your way around an unfamiliar city

8) Develop a new video game.

Computer science project topic ideas

1) Design a website for your favorite restaurant

2) How much data does Netflix use?

3) How do different social media websites affect our mental health?

4) What is the worst movie ever made?

5) Can computers take over the world?

6) Design an app that helps people with Alzheimer’s disease remember things

7) Design a program to help you find your way around an unfamiliar city

8) Develop a new video game.

Design a website for your favorite restaurant

One idea for a computer science project is to design a website for your favorite restaurant. You can provide information about the restaurant’s menu, food and wine selection, and show pictures of the interior and exterior of the restaurant.

Additionally, you could create a page where people can leave reviews and feedback for this restaurant. This will help others know what to expect when they visit the restaurant in person.


How much data does Netflix use?

One of the more interesting computer science project ideas is to find out how much data Netflix uses. This is an interesting project on its own, but it’s also important because Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services today.

The question of how much data Netflix uses has already been answered by other studies. Researchers at Princeton University found that Netflix on an average day consumes about 1.8% of usage on North American fixed broadband networks. That means that if all internet traffic in North America was shown as a pie chart, Netflix would take up 1.8% of it, or just over half of YouTube’s 3%.

It takes up about 1.8% of the pie chart, or just over half of YouTube’s 3%.


How do different social media websites affect our mental health?

A study was done to see how different social media websites affected the mental health of its users. It found that when people logged in to Facebook, they were more likely to feel lonely and have less self-esteem. In contrast, when people used Twitter, they were more likely to have a higher self-esteem and feel less lonely. Twitter was also much better at reducing stress than Facebook.

It is interesting to see how these two different social media platforms affect users differently. When creating your own digital marketing strategy, you should be aware of this information so that you can choose which platform will work best for your company.


What is the worst movie ever made?

One project idea is to try and identify the worst movie ever made. You can do this by surveying 100 film critics or 50,000 people on their opinion of the worst film ever made. Generating a list of the most disliked films would create a list of candidates for what could be considered the worst movie ever made.

It’s worth noting that there’s no way to know definitively what the worst movie is because this type of metric can be subjective and impossible to measure with accuracy.


Can computers take over the world?

One project that stands out is “can computers take over the world?” There are many different theories about this, but no one knows for sure. One theory says they can’t because humans always find a way to control them, while another theory suggests that one day, artificial intelligence will become so advanced that it will surpass human intelligence. Yet another theory argues that even if computers does take over the world, they would have to be programmed by humans with the intent of taking over the world.

The project would start with defining what “take over the world” means and exploring various scenarios in which computers could take over the world. The project would look at how society might change; both positive and negative outcomes; what this might mean for people’s jobs; and which industries would be most affected. You would also explore how society might react if computers did end up taking over the world.


Design an app that helps people with Alzheimer’s disease remember things

The world has been experiencing a huge spike in the number of people with Alzheimer’s disease. In 2016, 4.6 million Americans were living with the disease and it was the sixth leading cause of death in America. This project would be to design an app that helps people with Alzheimer’s disease remember things. The more we know about this disease, the more we can do to help stop it from spreading and make life easier for those who have it.


Develop a new video game.

Game design is a popular computer science project idea because it actively allows for creativity and programming skills to be used. Game design should have its own set of guidelines, just like any other video game. Designers need to consider how the game will look visually, what will happen when players make certain choices, and how they can keep players engaged. The gameplay needs to be engaging, too; people should find the game challenging but not impossible. One way to achieve this is by increasing difficulty as you go along. If the player only has three lives at the start of the game, adding one life each time they win or lose could work well (depending on what kind of game you’re designing).

The complexity of game design will vary depending on the designer’s skillset and what type of game they’re creating. The goal is for the end product to be an enjoyable experience that lasts longer than an hour or two. To do so, designers may need to use complex programming languages like Java or Python in order to create more advanced games with multiple levels and challenges.